I've been have weird head sensations like little tingles in my head and sometimes I get waves that feel like they numb out my head or something. I really want to get a CT scan because I feel like I'm going to have a stroke or a blood clot or something really dangerous. I've been having panic attacks for like 2-3 months now. This all started like 9 months ago when I started having depersonalization which made me feel like if I was detached from my body somehow. Please help and reply. I've been freaking out for the past week I called 911 also.
Please help :( : I've been have weird head... - Anxiety Support
Please help :(

hi there, first off that's a common anxiety symptom weird tingling sensations on your head that spread around to the side of your head and sometimes down your shoulder. I get these all the time and its anxiety. Youll be alright.
I get them too don't worry I know the exact feeling trust me I was just going for a walk with my girlfriend when I felt something on the side of my head tingle I also have the same fears as you but we have to remember its just anxiety you'll be OK
if you need someone to speak to you could also reach me on instagram GTOLSMAFIA_LS1
Hi, i get that al the time.....even today i have it feels like my scalp is burning and pulling stiff... its the worst.. the heavy head is even worst but i havent had that in a while
Hi Edweeny
Sounds like you're having an awful time of things. It may be anxiety but get everything looked at by professionals. My advice is get the physical checked out first. Go to your local A&E; don't ask for a scan, just tell them your symptoms, they'll do the rest - they'll probably look at your vital signs (temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure), may take blood for testing (INR, blood sugars etc) and may complete their investigation with a cat scan. Also, see and use your GP; S/he might suggest CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) - ways of managing, instead of just coping with panic attacks and other psychogenic difficulties. Don't freak out - I hope you feel better soon.
I've tried to get help but I've been put on hold for like 8 months now and my PCP only wants to give me meds and not really help me. I also felt like something pinched my head/brain and I was dizzy for like a second, it was really weird.
I totally know where your coming from, i got the ct scan showed nothing which I was amazed at because how can these things be happening un my head. I don't want it to happen but it does - its anxiety. Never thought I would agree with doctors as the symptoms as so surreal. I feel it is worse because it is in your head and the more you feed it by worrying about it the worse it gets. I have just started mindfulness, try if you can find out if any local places do this. My sister went through it for 12 weeks and came out a different person. I think it is the way forward if you can look into it. My sister suffered really bad depersonalisation and personality distorder and I ended up with severe panic attacks watching her suffering but honestly she is a new person thanks to the mindfulness classes. I am on the baby steps but am going forward and beating this no matter what. Here for you if you need a friends x problem is we feed the anxiety and it thrives on us being negative, scared etc but It can be beaten.
Also due to start CBT - go search for anything you can get in order to support you through. Don't waste time letting this eat away at you. It is hard to ask for help but just think you will beat this x x
Hi Edweeny.
Please don't worry about this, as this is just a common anxiety symptom. At this particular moment, I am feeling almost the exact same thing as you are describing. I decided not to worry about this been MS, or a brain tumor, or some weird brain bacteria eating my brains. Regardless, I'm going to the Dr. in 2 days... "just in case", but I'm sure this is just part of this horrible condition. Please try to divert to thought to something better, useful, and constructive. Do you believe in God ? if you do, worship does wonders, trust me.
God bless you Edweeny.
BTW, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have, I'll be happy to answer them If can.
Hi ed you've had some great advice. Welcome to the site, you've seen already lots of us have the same symptoms aa you. It makes it easier knowing you are not alone. I too have had the same thing. I've has anxiety attacks for the last 101-11 years. It usually gets worse when something big is happening in life. I'd defo seek help ASAP before you end up down the years after having this stupid illness and not living but just surviving