Anyone anything would help just helps to know I'm not the only one in the world with anxiety. Don't mess with me all the time but when it dose it take a lot time to go away
Hey everyone first time on this site looki... - Anxiety Support
Hey everyone first time on this site looking for support for my anxiety..

Hello Nelly-dray nice to meet you and thank you for posting on here. You are not alone with this anxiety. I've had it pretty bad the past 4 months
How long have you had it and what are your symptoms?
Talking about it helps so you have come to the right place
Only like month with my anxiety I worry about bad thing happen to me and my family. I get hot feel like bout to past out crying poops every hour seem like. I got lots of help still I don't really think they understand really how hard it is on me
It's hard for other people to understand what we go through...breath, nothing bad will happen to you, trust me you are not alone!
Talk, cry if needed, talk more, anxiety is a silent killer and looses power when you let it may bend you down but won't defeat you...
A hint: do not over analize yourself, let is pass and do not make any important decisions when you feel like that.
Wish you the best and remember, you are not alone on this....
Awe so your really new with the symptoms. You can talk to us on here as we all completely understand what your going through. We all have felt what your going through. Have you seen your dr?
Yea but not like I should I have no insurance so having to pay everything out of pocket get really expensive and doesn't help I haven't been to work in like 2 weeks trying to fight this anxiety
Sorry I'm just responding now I was charging my phone.
That's too bad you don't have insurance and can't get to your dr when need be but I will be here for you as much as you need me ok
Have you tried any self help books? Right now I'm reading Freeling Good by David Burns
Hi Nelly,be aware of suffering of anxiety is a big step toward an improvement or a better way to learn to cope with it.The experience of anxiety is something that stop us to take decisions, actions and even a small issue is view in a more exaggerated way.I think the way we deal with daily routine and relationships with others in some ways can be the trigger, but as you said your anxiety is not constant,it comes and go,but when it comes is difficult to let that feeling go away.The answer is in ourselves ,not in what is around us,the way we deal with issues has to be modified and adjusted in a more convenient way and level of anxiety will diminish.When you feel that something could be the trigger for you, try to distract yourself thinking at something positive, could be for example remembering nice memories,your friends, an event, your favourite actor or actress in a superb interpretation, a line in a book and so on.If you move your thought in something that let you feel rewarded instead of worried, then you will feel better, but is only your choice ,nobody else know what really you are going through.Take care
Hi and welcome,
I find I can cry at the drop of a hat there is no rhyme or reason to it and it can be very embarrassing. I just try and go with the flow IF i'M WITH people I know well or pretend i'VE GOT SOMETHING IN MY EYE and turn away if not. Some subjects at the moment I just don't touch.
I do find that exercise helps to stop the constent worrying and I try and do this a few times a week. I try and keep occupied as well and to keep my mind actively involved.