My birthday was on saturday, & I turned 60. Iv`e always dreaded this time of life because that`s when people are officially classed as "elderly", a word Iv`e always hated because it conjures up images of people with zimmer frames, & people sitting around in nursing homes waiting for the grim reaper. I`m just wondering, was it traumatic passing that watershed, Or was it just another birthday? I have to say that I don`t feel any different than I did last week, or the week before that. I half expected to wake up on that morning feeling suddenly frail & weak, & very old, but it hasn`t been that bad.
anyone on this site over 60?: My birthday... - Anxiety Support
anyone on this site over 60?

Count yourself lucky, I'm 67 but don't feel I'm ready for the slippers and knitting just yet! I felt the same as 60 felt sooooooo old but its not the end of anything, its your outlook that matters most, enjoy yourself and you'll forget the old age thing. x
Hi. Hairy. Glad to talk to you again. Yup, join the club. It is extraordinary how suggestion can affect us. 70 is usually the age when, having had three score and ten we are ready for the 'past sell by date' syndrome. Now listen to some heartening news. My father was 95 when he died. Had all his marbles, and if it had not been for a fall, would have gone on much longer. He was also a worrier, but it did not kill him!! HIS Mother was 101 and was with it to the end. In fact the doctor admitted that he was not sure how to write the death certificate so he put 'senile decay'! As fuengiola says, it is very much in the mind. Anyway, we should acquire wisdom as we get older and be more able to cope with life's little (!) ups and downs. I tell you what, if I see the 'grim reaper' coming I will enter the 'fight-flight syndrome and run like hell!. Best wishes. jonathan.

new to this site..... hope to help if i can...and yes i was 60 last sept......
Yup, passed the dreaded "big 60" a few years ago - no probs!!! In fact I get more money - pensions etc kicked in - don't feel any different to before! It's only a number, not a description! xxxxxxx
I'm practising! xxxxx
Hi Hairyfairy,
Belated Happy Birthday and thank you for the comforting words of wisdom. Reading yours and Jonathan's words makes the prospect of turning 40 in the new year a little less traumatic. And believe me I need the perspective.x
I wish there was a like button on here xxxx
will be hitting the big 6-0 in December. The hell with 'growing old gracefully', I'm fighting it all the way!
Same here! When i was growing up, old age meant ill health, falls & broken hips, then death. We used to think that all this was an inevitable part of aging, But Iv`e been researching it on the internet, & apparently keeping fit & eating right goes a long way to avoid disability in old age.