So I started zoloft 50mg 10 days ago as well as cbt therapy for the past month. I'm still taking my kolnopin .5mg as well so one would think all would be well right? Wrong!! I am having a severe panic attack right now. The room started spinning and I felt short of breath and that impending sense of doom! I HATE THIS! Something has to give. I'm not sure how much longer I can take this. I'm just very frustrated. Any advice or encouragement or help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance. Ooh and now I'm super super dizzy!!!
Freaking out. : So I started zoloft 50mg 1... - Anxiety Support
Freaking out.

There may be a chemical reaction between your newly prescribed Zoloft and the benzodiazepine Klonopin which may be alleviating the effects and side effects of Klonopin. Did you inform your doctor about the Klonopin before he prescribed the SSRI?
So sorry!! I know what that is like, sometimes we think HEY I AM ON MEDS ATHIS SHOULD BE HELPING .. I am one of the people that medicine didn't help. As far as the zoloft.. you have to give it time to work, 2 to 4 weeks sometimes. Just try and remember that you are not gonna die, nthis is only panic, fear.. false evidence appearing real. You habe felt this way before, and you've overcome it too, and you will again. You are dizzy, okay then lie down..if u lie down you can't fall.. so that's not scary anymore. Try to stay ahead of it . You feel like u can't breathe, but if that was true, you would be blue or unconscious by now. Its all a lie, and you are gonna be fine. I promise
Give the Zoloft a few more days, if there is no improvement go back to your doctor. He/She will then either adjust your dosage or recommend a different SSRI. Never forget, its just anxiety and try not to panic.
You may be taking too much, in England we start on a low dose and work our way up so the body can get used to it. I started back on 10mg Citalopram a few days ago and the first couple of days was horrendous, i am feeling more human today.
Talk to your doctor about that immediately ! Meanwhile go drink some cold water and take deep breaths in through your nose and out from your mouth.. keep doing it.. and lay down.. try thinking about something else.. like a good memory or something.. When I get anxiety and start freaking out that is what I do.. since your freaking out you might not even realize that your not breathing correctly! so keep taking deep breaths slowly ! Hope I helped a little. I hope you get better
I often get panic attacks and I feel physically sick, dizzy and just wrong. The thing that helps me most is convincing yourself that it is only a panic attack and nothing is seriously wrong. If you relax and focus on that it usually helps too. Sometimes they are just so strong that this doesn't help in this instance I try and lay down or have a shower to relax. I've had to go home from work a few times due to this and as soon as I am home I feel a lot better.