Sharp shooting pain in my head only happened once but its set me right off not feeling great this very minute
Sick of this: Sharp shooting pain in my head... - Anxiety Support
Sick of this

HI clo x Not much info to go on here, so assuming its health anxiety ? Of so try to not worry easy I know but it can be done, one sharp pain could be tiredness, eye strain anything x If it becomes persistent maybe a trip to your gp x Donver x
Thanks yes I have HA and I keep telling myself to go docs but I just don't do it I've had this 3 years now and only ever been docs three times over my anxiety I feel like I have a list of things wrong with me and they just shrug me off x
Oh do try and go back to your gp, there is so much can be done for anxiety nowadays x A gp is there to help so use them to get the help you need. There are medications and therapy that can help you think in a different way x Group therapy can help to find others like yourself to talk to, or sessions on your own x Waiting times depend on your area but are usually not to bad xx Donver x
Hi clo I'd speak to your gp lol they get sick of me too I'm there every other week. Best thing is to let them try and help
Hi Clo, sometimes I have strong head ache and is associated with migraine and last around 5 minutes .My neurosurgeon said that is connected to anxiety, so I have to try to calm down and even if awkward as sensation I have to tell myself that it will be over soon and it works.