does anybody elses ever flutter like skip a beat feeling every other beat??? im fucking sick of this its making me really really ill.
sick of this.: does anybody elses ever... - Anxiety Support
sick of this.

The way forward is to see your doctor again and insist you want a referral to a specialist who deals with irregular heart beats, I forget their title but it's something like electrocardiac specialist. Tell your gp the irregular heart beats are now constant and you feel faint. Only when you see the specialist and he/she says its not a physical/organic thing will you be reassured. Then you will accept it is anxiety and the reassurance will make you less fearful and the heartbeat problem will no doubt clear up. Remember: you want a referral to an electrocardiac specialist.
Hi....I agree with Jeff1943, you are not going to feel assured that this is all anxiety, until you do see another doctor. Preferably an Electro physicist. They specialize in the electrical conduction of the heart. They will look further into the skips that you are experiencing. It's well worth getting a second opinion since you are not feeling satisfied with the findings of your doctor or the medication she has you on. Why go through this everyday? You need some answers.
okay u will do when i see my doctor thursday, im just terrifed something is wrong with my heart because i feel ill now aswell all my muscles just feel really weak to. what i dont get is that the flutters are at there worst when i wake up. can anxiety really cause all of this?):
The reason you feel so ill is because you are so worried and naturally fearful. Remember all the tests so far have been fine and when I read through all the answers to your postings everyone thinks it's anxiety based. It's the fear that makes you feel unwell. Remember, you want a referral to a specialist in electrical conduction of the heart called an Electro Physicist like Agora1 says. Write that last sentence down and take it with you when you see the doctor. We all know how bad and worried you're feeling. Pity you have to wait a week to see the GP but you are going to get over this believe me.
My 3 week stint of irregular heartbeats last Spring was nothing compared to what you're experiencing. But I knew for sure it was anxiety because I was under some stress and knew it would pass so I didn't fear it so consequently it passed quickly. That's the moral of the story.
Hi, definitely get appt with a cardiologist who can do ultrasound, ECG, etc so then you can put your mind at rest and help you to calm down. Maybe the meds you're taking aren't the right ones for you? Should you maybe see another family doctor who'll have a different opinion than the one you have now? Try not to worry, your problem will be solved soon even if you don't believe it. Take care
ive already had an ecg, chest xray and a blood test, all came back fine. im waiting on my 24 hour heart monitor results ive been waiting 3 weeks but my doctor said that was a good sign that they arent back yet.
Oh, ok that's good. What about an ultrasound on your heart? My mom had one, it takes about 20- 30 min I think. The technician sees your heart on a monitor and takes snapshots for the specialist to review. Also don't have pop, more than a cup of coffee a day, little salt. Paxil10 mg is working for me after almost 3 months taking it. Maybe ask Dr about it?
It doesn't really sound like anxiety
I think it is anxiety because I get the same thing, and the more tense/anxious I feel, the more skipped beats I get. I was sitting in church Sunday where I felt like I couldn't get up & leave and I was getting tons of skips, some were every other beat, but mostly every 3-4 beats, then gradually lessened to one every 10-15. It got better when I stopped focusing on it. I think when we are scared of the skips (& in my case racing), our bodies release more adrenaline, which is what causes them in the 1st place, so we get even more. I also get a lot when I have panic attacks. My heart feels so erratic, I get scared. I did get a panic attack with tons of missed beats recorded on the monitor few weeks ago, and to my surprise, my cardiologist wasn't concerned! Gosh it felt terrible!
Hello agoerrivbr4678778 I have the same fluttering, heart skipping sensations you do. I feel it all the time and each one scares the hell out of me. Like it's gonna stop completely! I had the whole heart workup, ekg, 24 hr monitor, heart ultrasound, from my cardiologist (heart doctor) and I was told all is fine. That was 3 yrs ago. And I still have them. This past March it got so bad I called 911. They got to my house and the first thing they did was put a monitor on my heart and guess what?? Nothing was wrong! My heart was fine. Still. It is the anxiety that is causing it. When this starts happening during our anxiety attacks, we get scared, very scared, which in return, makes things worse. We all are not crazy, just suffering a mental illness which we can control, if we're not scared enough of the symptoms, to control it. I find my heart flutters, skipping, stopping, whatever you want to call it, is quite normal when I'm not having an anxiety attack. Stop paying so much attention to your body. It is fine, it's your mind that's playing the tricks on you. I've been to all kinds of doctors, done all kinds of tests, and 2 of the doctors, including my GP and a nuerologist diagnose me with anxiety. It sucks but i take xanax everyday (as little as possible) to keep my calm. I feel off balance everyday and have trouble with my equalibrium because of it. That's when I pull out the Meclizine. (sea sick pills that you can get at any store really cheap). After awhile I start feeling fine again. Then, after another while, it starts again. A never ending cycle. You will find that your doctor will tell you you're fine and the flutters are from anxiety, or nervousness. Ask him for some meds to keep you calm. Insist on it. Let us know how your 24 hr monitor results come out. Oh by the way, you should have had your results 24 hrs after they took it off of you so call them again and ask for the results! I will be monitoring your posts and hope youll learn to control your anxiety. We must ALL do that!
okay thank you, but did u ever get them evert other beat??? and did u ever find it hard to breathe or get pains in ur chest and arms.
Hi agoerrivbr4678778 Go to it will tell you what you want to know about anxiety. ALL of your symptoms are from anxiety. We tend to pay attention to every single little thing that changes with our body, which is what is causing the anxiety. I've gone to so many websites inquiring about anxiety, I'm pretty good at knowing most of the symptoms. But still, there are probably others I don't know about yet, which I'm sure sooner or later I'll get, just because I'm thinking about it. The heart skipping, flutters, whatever you want to call them, IS a normal anxiety symptom. It can do this alot or a little, depending on your anxiety level at the time. But it is very normal. The pains in your chest and your arms could be from the anxiety. It could be your mind playing tricks on you. Your own imagination. We imagine ALOT when we have anxiety. I've had the same symptoms. Once, I felt my heart beat skip so bad, I thought it actually stopped! I never felt that way before. I was so damn scared I ran to my doctors office, which was right down the road at the time, and she did an EKG. I thought I had a stroke or something. The EKG showed nothing wrong! Please get some meds to calm you down because this shit will drive you crazy if you can't control it. I still wrestle with trying to control it but at least I know that the feelings I get ARE from anxiety and I try to remind myself of that when I start feeling anxiety coming on. If you've been to your heart doctor and he told you all is fine, take his/her word for it and believe it's just anxiety. I also was seeing a phychiatrist once a week to help me deal with the problem, especially the dizziness. It seemed to help. I need to start going again. Best part of those appointments is their used to seeing people who are 1/2 crazed and out of their mind from things that are happening to them that they can't seem to control. It's hard to deal with something when you don't know what it is. That's what my problem was. I've gone to my GP, ENT, Cardiologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, ER, chiropractor and had blood tests upon blood tests and an MRI and nobody could find ANYTHING. So, I accept it's anxiety and try to deal with it daily the best I can. I found the xanax to keep me calm REALLY help the symptoms, and the Meclizine helps the dizziness. If you need to chat, I'm here for you. I know youre going through hell as all of us anxiety sufferers are, and sometimes just talking about it helps. At least temporarily. Keep me posted and try to calm down. Please! For your own good.
Hi p57rosie I have to thank you for your excellent explanation of anxiety and all the different symptoms.I also agree that when anxiety gets so bad it interferes with daily living,its time to seek help and get some medication to calm you down.I take diazepam 2 mg when I'm really bad and it really does help to calm my mind and body .I had to take them on a regular basis at I take as and when required.sometimes I only take half tablet once or twice a week.some weeks none.anxiety can be managed and we have to keep reminding ourselfs the symptoms we get is caused by anxiety.hope you continue to feel better .
I get heart palpitations every so often... Flutters and I feel it in my throat as well... It happens more when I'm super upset stressed or anxious