I started experiencing anxiety when I was 19. Hit me completely out of nowhere and I have been really struggling for 5 years now (to do anything in fear that I will have an attack). Before when it first started I wanted to be alone, but now that it has progressed so much that I fear being alone! Mostly only at night though. Does anybody have any suggestions other than actually have somebody else be around me 24/7 like a babysitter lol it's not possible for me. I have no family support and am a single mother.
Anxiety so bad, fear of being alone. - Anxiety Support
Anxiety so bad, fear of being alone.

Hello. I understand, I fear the feelings I get when anxious. I'm scared of the anxiety. However i have to remember that whilst it feels horrible it doesn't actually do anything to me. The only way I find is to keep pushing through and challenging myself. It doesn't make it better instantly, but it gives you something to look back on that tells you "look I did it in the past I can do it now". Also worth seeing your doc and asking for some counselling. CBT may be very helpful. Good luck. X
all I can say is I understand how your feeling been on meds for 10 years for social phobia if your shy & resurveyed I feel you have more chance of being bullied from others witch I have they pick up on your weekneses take care from david
Hi there I have been suffering from anxiety for twenty years or more, it's horrible I know, you don't know what's going to happen next,when I first got ill I didn't know what was happening to me, I was working and I started with I was going through loads of stress, and anyway I want go into details, I picked a book up at the libary by claire weekes who is a Australian doctor, and read the book until I, knew it off by heart.. And took notice of what she was saying, it helps just knowing that somebody understands. And I didn't know about panic etc. you can get her books on amazon. I am still the some, but I just think these horrible sensations we get , are not dangerous but at the time we get frightened, I hope I have helped you a little bit. X
Ari, have you actually seen a doctor about this? There are things you can take for anxiety that don't knock you out like tranquilisers. I take capsules called Pregabalin - they are primarily for epilepsy but doctors discovered they also help anxiety, and they have certainly helped mine. In any case, I urgently recommend you to see your GP and, if necessary, ask for a referral There is no need to go through this alone.
Hi Francesholm. I hope you don't mind me contacting you directly. Can I just ask you,did you ask the doctor for Pregabalin? I suffer from dreadful general anxiety and social anxiety. My doctor has put me on sertraline which has been six weeks now and my anxiety is still bad. Doctor won't give me xanax or a benzo as they're addictive. I have read that Pregabalin isn't addictive. Please help. Thankyou, Sam.
Hi Sam, of course I don't mind you contacting me, that's what this site's for! In fact the Pregabalin was originally recommended to me by a medical psychotherapist and I've been on it for about 5 years now, prescribed by my GP. It can make you a bit sleepy so I take 50mg each morning and 100mg each night. It's definitely helped me, I know I would be very depressed without it. I don't think it's addictive at all, but then I've never tried stopping it!Hope this helps.
Hi there
You ve been lucky.My gp refused to
Prescribe me Pregabalun,saying it s too expensive!
Hi Autumn. I'm struggling with bad anxiety to. My anti depressants don't seem to be helping anxiety. I don't know what help your doctor has given you but sitting down and just talking to your doctor may ease things. Lavenders idea of getting the Claire Weekes book is an idea I will try, as I've heard only good things about this ladies books. Sorry I can't be of more help,but I do know its a daily struggle. Take care, Sam x
Thanks Autumn. Really appreciate it. Hope you're enjoying the good weather xx
So sorry Francesholm meant to say. Brain is fried I'm sure! xx
My doesn't go away only with clonazepam..and yes I'm afraid of being alone I need to have somebody in the house thankfully my mom is here with me for now but she has to go back to Mexico and that makes me scare....get more anxious. ..my hands get numb hot flushes..etc must of the day..can't control it..I have done a cat scan in n the brain to make sure everything is fine neurological and everything came out fine thank god...so I don't know what to do they just put me in prozac..I'm really hoping this work for me