I'm suffering yet again with severe headaches and a bright red face that seems on fire somtimes
I suffer hypertension time, on medication,... - Anxiety Support
I suffer hypertension time, on medication, due to have bp monitor fitted ,can this device tell the difference between anxiety and stress

Hi MarkSparky.
I don't think the monitor can tell the difference but the readings they give will help the doctor by letting them know if your BP is high all the time or just when you are anxious,I hope all goes well for you.
Cheers Kenny it's been bad week just wish doc would hurry up
Hi there!
Don't they have you write down the time that you are going through stress or a panic mode?
If not do so.

Alwaysafraidyaz my docs saying hypertension time but I think stress and anxiety create hypertension, ev time I go docs she takes 3reading they all go up brine she's convinced it's the word doctors appointment that brings it on, I had one months trial on a beta blocker tab or I felt brill so I shall ring docs on Monday to find out what's happening about monitor,, got another mega headache again today tuk one trammadol to try help,, I love walking time but I'm unsure to walk in case I keel over,, so it's deep breaths and cup tea
I'm going ring docs see why it's taken 3months for a bp monitor,, got violent headache again today taken all 3 bp tablets plus 1trammadol try get rid of headache,, most times I walk miles but I'm worried in case head gets worse,, but just talkin to all the lovely people is helping btime
Hi Mark
Ty not to worry , I know it is not easy but that will bring bad headaches on
BP can be serious but only if it is left years without been treated is usually the case , otherwise while they are working out if you need meds & what kind you are normally ok or if they thought you were at risk they would do something ASP
I had high blood pressure for quite a few years but I was more afraid of taking meds than having high BP & I wouldn't have ever known my BP was high if the doctors had not kept telling me because I had no symptoms at all
Eventually though I was talked round by by GP to take meds & my BP is fine now but I get headaches with ok BP & never had them when it was high !
I know its not the meds making me have headaches but no doubt my anxiety
Also my GP has to at least take my BP twice when I go & have it done because I suffer with what they call " The white coat syndrome " where as soon as I know I am having my BP taken I get anxious which then does make your blood pressure go up but as soon as I calm down it reads normal
Keep pushing to get this sorted for your piece of mind & walking is the best thing you could be doing to keep yourself healthy , so well done
Take Care
Do you have severe anxiety?
Hello people ,mark sparky here,went docs Monday totally totally scared, talked to her had the most through exam poss from bp eyes ears throat walking one eye shut then other one , walking backwards absolute ev thing, guess what ,, first reading bp 128/88 second reading 126/86 lowest for years ,no trammadol 2paracetamol 2wed none since feel so relieved .. I know now that anxiety plays mayor part I'm facing ev thing head on loads walking done garden greenhouse lawns slept fab all week,, but it know that talking to all you fab boys and girls letting tension out has been big factor thank you to all for listening and replying ... I'm there for you all love mark
Yes pizzicato I grew up very old house full ghosts I seen them for years so did ev body else but they new talked to the young ones about it, my house now we have couple kids play on stairs running up down with ball ghosts from where I don't know ,,also a man and little black haired girl in kitchen , I see women in white gowns I thought they angels but I now now that they were nurses in old type uniform ,, it's a gift I've accepted over 50 years ago so they don't bother me except when door closed they turn handle and push door tiny bit,, makes me nervous cos I know they walk through anything but somehow confined to stairs,, no idea who they are cos I'm only person ev lived in this houses x but now that's me public I'm so proud I'm having a great nite with granchildren ,, yippee love you allxx