Sometimes i feel happy for hours then most of the time i feel down sad feel like crying wanna stay strong but sometimes i cant its hard
What are good advice for anxiety? - Anxiety Support
What are good advice for anxiety?
HI Issac, Sorry to hear you are feeling a little up and down. This is anxiety, the roller coaster of all emotions and feelings thrown into one big ball of worry and stress x I would consider trip to your gp as there are so many things that can be done for anxiety nowadays x They are really the best to advise on the best course for you as everyone is different. There are some who take meds as they can level out the roller coaster and make the says more bearable. Only your doctor again can advise you on these. And then there are therapies, counselling, and other ways to deal with the anxiety. It can all depend on length of suffering, how much you are affected, what you need , as in to get to work, to socialise etc x There are also books you can read on anxiety, which will give you more insight into what it can do to your body and mind. The more you know about this silent enemy the better equip to fight at times x Hope you are feeling better soon x x Donver x
DONVER22 thank you very much i really apreciate your words and you right ill go to the libary and get some books on anxiety and read more about it and learn more on it god bless you and thanks again
My old doctor was good hed sit you down lissien to you then he would set you off on a path of treatment that would start with go to bed early get up early and excessive then if you were still bad he would send you to counciling with exercise then drugs and counseling and yes exercise.#
You didnt have time to have Anxiety or panic simply becuase you were to tiered or had super strength and this was ounly 10 years ago. then The NHS sarted to pay for alsorts of stupid stuff like religon and the like
he helped me to get off a pain killer addiction while going though this plan with a little modifying of corse.
then The NHS sarted to pay for assorts of stupid stuff like religon and the like and paying for johny doctor to sit there and tell me about wounder drugs,
to much kid glove treatment goes on now a days.
Hey Isaac
I agree with donver, knowledge is power as the saying goes
I can give you a few suggestions
in what books are worth reading
"Mindfulness for dummies"
"CBT for dummies"
"Overcoming worry"
These books are what I have read and have found helpful. The "overcoming" book has a series of titles, have a look at Amazon online.
Also you might be interested in a website called Headspace
Give it a go and good luck Hun xx