Would like to understand more about what is happening to me , so i can expalain better to my husband and family. Also looking for tecniques on how to calm and help myself.
Can any one give me names of some helpful ... - Anxiety Support
Can any one give me names of some helpful books or websites on understanding and coping with anxiety please?

Hi Gibbo.
You could try getselfhelp.co.uk they have some good info.
I've a few books,
Overcoming series has one on anxiety. I have the overcoming worry.
There is also mindfulness for dummies which is a good one,also CBT for dummies is good
Happy reading xx
Hi gibbo
I found dr Claire weekes self help for your nerves very helpful when I was ill and didn't understand what was happening to me. She explains it well and makes it less frightening. I felt more in control when id read it. I've read the book 3/4 times now and it's easy to read love eve x
hi Gibbo 1981.. Have just seen your post, so am sorry for lateness of response. Overcoming Panic and Agoraphobia by Derrick Silove and Vijaya Manicavasagar (available on Amazon and can be ordered through good bookshops) is brilliant. I think another member suggested, The Overcoming series, as a good resource and this is probably the book suggested...not sure so,have given details for you to check it out. I have it and it explains panic and anxiety in great detail and would work super well if you choose to have some CBT to go alongside it. I am certain you will find informative, comforting and a great place to begin when you are ready to tackle your anxiety and panic disorder. Good Luck... PD7979 xx
Ps Gibbo.....jules2105 is right . The Paul McKenna CDs are brilliant- his voice has a great pitch, especially the, I can make you Sleep, series (which comes with a book)..you might want to check them out too sometime . PD7979xx

Brilliant thank you. X
You could try the MIND Website, RETHINK Website and MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS Website
Feel the fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers,,,how to turn your fear and indecision into confidence and action..
Only just read the post as new to the site but definitely try cbt for dummies it worked for me before and I've just replaced my lost copy so I'm starting to read it again hope something helps