is there any alternative to using diazepam... - Anxiety Support
is there any alternative to using diazepam when anxiety is at its height ? ( herbal or other )
Hi Mr Newton
Is this question for Mrs Newton ?
Over the years I have tried Herbal things & some have took the edge of at times but just a little bit also I have & do have a diazepam at times & have never found anything that works quite as well as they do especially as you are talking about anxiety when it is at its height !
I don't know if the GP would be able to suggest anything , I know there are other meds but a lot seem to take a while to work , where diazepam just takes an hour or so
I make sure I don't have to many & use them in emergencies only though
Look forward to reading other peoples suggestions on your question , we may both get some tips
Hope you are both keeping well
thanks for the reply whywhy, she has been struggling a bit lately with high anxiety, we always get a little worried if we have to go back to the docs and ask for more diazepam, even tho she uses them very sparingly, with them being quite addictive just wondered if anyone had tried anything herbal that worked fairly quickly, think you are right tho, love from us both. xxx
Hi Mr Newton
Sorry Mrs Newton is feeling really anxious at the moment, I remember wanting to climb the walls when my anxiety has been heightened and it is the most awful feeling.
It's quite upsetting when you feel you can't go to your GP for more Diazepam when you know you are being sensible with them and only using them when you really have to.
My mum has Diazepam, only in 2mg tablets, but twice a day, she's been having them for a couple of years and they do indeed keep her anxiety controllable so I'm sure they aren't as bad as they would have us believe, as for herbal or such like that would work the same I'm afraid I don't know of any.
Is Mrs Newton on any meds for depression or anxiety? If so maybe she needs a change of meds or if not then maybe there's something else that could help her more long term, and that may be able to keep this high anxiety at bay, I feel so much for her, it's a nasty debilitating thing.
I truly hope she feels better soon. X
thank you kimmie, I agree about the sensible use of diazepam, she only uses them when its really bad , have just seen her CPN and have agreed to put up her sertraline to 100mg for a short time, hope it works, thank you for your concern. love jasper xxx
Hi Jasper, sorry to hear Mrs Newton is having a difficult time lately.
I'm afraid I know of nothing that works as well as diazepam in a crisis.
Does Mrs Newton only take sertraline? Just asking as mam takes that (150mg) but also takes mirtazapine. Doc said sertraline is a mood lifter, mirtazapine calms & helps sleep. The two together seem to work well for her.
Of course we are all different & we know these things don't work the same for everyone, just thought it was worth a mention.
Hope things improve soon
hi Thomson, yes you are right o/h does take mirtazapine on a night time, they do work well together, seems for speed of working diazepam is probably the best, but lot"s of docs just wont take the risk prescribing even for responsible users, jasper.
I know, I had a bottle of 20, went to docs 12 months later & asked for some more & was quizzed as if I was a junkie! It's so annoying that they can't trust us, as reasonable adults, to know what works & when to use it.
Hope the increase in sertraline helps.
Hi Mr Newton
Sorry Mrs Newton is struggling at the minute, diazepam is the only thing that really works for me but find camomile tea is good and the rescue remedies
Julie x
thanks for that jules. xx
I was given propanalol as I wanted something to control my physical symptoms of anxiety and found these worked well - there are differing mgs - an 80g slow release and then 10, 20 and 40. They def helped me with the physical tremors, shaking, nausea and palpitations which I get when my anxiety is at its height.
thanks teddy, have heard of that. jasper
Diazapam is highly addictive. However I suffer from muscle spasms all over daily. It causes them to seize solid and I'm in agony. My doctor has no problems prescribing me 5mg only because I only take them when my spasms are at their very worst. I don't like to take more than twice a week as they make me too monged out a second day in a row. 21 tablets last me almost 3 months.
My doc prescribed 5mg diazepam 3 times a day along with other meds - venlafaxine, lithium and mirtazapine. I never took more than 2 diazepam in a day as i didnt feel they did anything at the time. However i am still struggling a year on and was prescribed pregabalin 25mg 3 times a day - i feel no real benefit from it and on top of that i take 2mg diazepam when im going out - it seems to stop my mind racing and i can get done what i need to do. Doctor wont prescribe me anymore so now im looking for an alternative 😣