Has anybody ever used any herbal remedies ... - Anxiety Support

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Has anybody ever used any herbal remedies for anxiety? Just seen Bach Rescue Remedy? Want to know if anybody rates any such type of products

33 Replies

Bach rescues remedy seems to be oil or spray, that helps to calm you. I've not tried anything like this before and am intrigued.

33 Replies

I've tried them but unfortunately they don't work for me. I think I am passed the herbal remedy state

in reply to

That's what I was thinking, am I passed that stage? If I'm being prescribed meds then surely yes I am. How are you today Holly?

jsp83 profile image

i dont know about herbal remedies but reading up on xanex that seems good, you might want to talk to your gp about it?

in reply to jsp83

What is this jsp? thanks for your reply :)

jsp83 profile image
jsp83 in reply to

its a medication- im asking my gp about it tomorrow

in reply to jsp83

I've just read up on it, I don't think it would be for me as it can make you drowsy etc..I have 2 children who I don't think would appreciate a sleepy mummy ;)

Hope you have luck with it x

jsp83 profile image

wish i could help more, anxiety is such a horrible feeling :(

in reply to jsp83

Isn't it just! Thanks for your help xx

Hi Looloo,

I've used rescue remedy for a while, I think I use it as a prop. It's in the form of drops and you put 3 drops on your tongue, whenever you need them. It smells of brandy!

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Do you find it helps you winter? I don't like brandy lol

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I think it helped, I'm not sure really if I used it a prop. It seem to calm me down. As long as I carried it around with me I knew I would be ok. I also got quite anxious if I didn't have it.

in reply to

Oh I understand. I'm not sure if I want to try anything herbal now, I spoke to pharmacist today and they advised not to mix herbal with meds. They said there is no testing of these things used together so they can't say.

Hello looloo. Slightly better these things just take time don't they

in reply to

Yes love they do x

Hello winter whatever works for you use it

Hi LooLoo.

I don't know if it will work for you but my wife and me both heard of earl grey tea and since we started drinking it have found it does have a calming effect.Just a thought hope your able to give it a try.

in reply to

Thanks Kenny I shall definitely try the tea :-)

agora profile image

Just a placebo if you ask me. I did the tincture 'Rescue Remedy' for years, didn't help me but may help you.

in reply to agora

Thanks agora. I'm kind of thinking the same x

london-man profile image

I have been using green tea, havent noticed any difference but i'm doing smoothies and eating healthier foods, it's hard when you have no appetite.

in reply to london-man

I like green tea, apparently it's good for your metabolism. Very difficult when you have no appetite. Have you tried eating little and often? My appetite is terrible lately.

london-man profile image
london-man in reply to

Hi LooLoo, ive lost a stone in under a month, it's a good thing though as i needed to loose it, I am eating but just not as much as I used to

in reply to london-man

Well if your happy with it then that's great :)

I dieted briefly and drank green tea and it def helped!

Hope you have a decent night london-man x

Stacey83 profile image

Hiya. Iv been taking evening primrose oil tablets been using them 2 months now as they take 1 month to really get into your system and I can say there is a change I'm not as bad still not 100% but not worry about little things and things that use to make me panic really don't now or not as bad as they did anyway !!! I spoke to my doc about this sort of thing she said the only ones I need to tell her about are St jhons wart coz they can do something to the tablets you might be taking ! Hope it helps abit :-) ! X

in reply to Stacey83

Oh that's great advice thanks Stacey :)

Jeffju profile image

I use the Bach 'Sleep' rescue remedy if I am having anxious thoughts as this seems to help, however, I am on meds too so it's used as back up. I also drink camomile tea, which I never ever thought I would, and really enjoy it now. Have cut my sugar intake so that's a bonus too. Relaxation cds also help me. IO also use the sleep remedy before I go to bed at night. Hope that this helps. xx

in reply to Jeffju

Thanks Jeffju! I have been using kalms sleep tablets but the pharmacist told me not to mix meds and herbal. I don't quite know what to do as since taking the kalms I have relaxed more in bed. And that's the time I'm normally at my worst. x

Stacey83 profile image

Just phone ya doc and ask if unsure but like I said I was told its fine apart from the St John wart one ! Glad the kalms r helping with the sleep nothing worse that no sleep I know ! X

in reply to Stacey83

Thanks Stacey x

Jeffju profile image

I would check with your GP about the Kalms. As Stacey says, I thought it was St. Johns Wort that you had to be careful with but your GP would definately know. My GP recommended Bach rescue remedy, it's made from flowers so shouldn't do you any harm. I do use the sleep one though apparently it's better for those anxiopus thoughts. xx

in reply to Jeffju

Thanks for the advice :-)

angelmum44 profile image

I've used Bach Flower remedies for years and know that they support my emotions and definitely support me! Rescue remedy and sleep are good 'staple' remedies to have, but there are many more that I use on a daily basis to support me. In my opinion they definitely work and are something that you can use to help yourself on a daily basis.

jsp83 profile image

i got a spray of this today, not sure if its just placebo but its calmed me quite a bit

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