Has anyone used Diazepam (2mg) to treat an... - Anxiety Support

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Has anyone used Diazepam (2mg) to treat anxiety? I have also been using Citalopram (now 30mg per day) What is your experience

mayalida profile image
18 Replies
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mayalida profile image
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I take Diazapem to help with anxiety

I have personally never had a problem with it

Some doctors will not prescribe it as it can be known to be addictive , so I am very careful when I take it & dont abuse it because of those reasons & as long as I do , I find through bad bouts of anxiety it can be very helpful

I no other members on here have taken both you mention , so I am sure you will get some more opinions on this , I think it can all come down to how the individual feels & what works for them




mayalida profile image
mayalida in reply to

thank you whywhy, what dosage do you get, do you have it regularly. i have been prescribed a 2 mg dosage

in reply to mayalida

Mine is 2mg , I try to only take it when I really need it

If I have been going through a real bad time , I have taken one three times a day , but that is only when things have been really bad , the rest of the time it might be just an odd one or none at all , it all depends how I feel & how I am coping


mayalida profile image
mayalida in reply to

thank you whywhy i will have one to get my out of my worst

mallet-head profile image

Hello mayalida,

I have not personally used Citalapram (a long term treatment) but have been prescribed Diazopam (2mg tabs), short term, by my GP for occasional bouts of anxiety. I am fortunate in that these are short lived and not too frequent (1-3 weeks duration, maybe 2-3 times a year). The GP 's instructions were to take 1 tablet when needed (left it to me according to how desperate I feel) and no more than 3 a day or in any 24 hour period. I have a travel anxiety (anticipatory) about going on foreign holidays (sounds daft I know!!, but for my wifes sake, we still go somewhere 2-3 times a year). Once packed and on the way to the airport it starts to settle down and by the time we arrive at our destination I am usually feeling fine!! The upshot of all of this is that my usage of Diazopam is light, occasional and not prolonged. It is a "get me out of a hole" rescue strategy, and you should bear this in mind if comparing with your own situation and usage pattern etc.

GPs should advise that these are a SHORT TERM treatment i.e. typically 3 weeks maximum at any one time, to avoid building up any "dependence" as they are somewhat addictive over time. Some years ago a family member was on these for an extended period (over a year, low dosage) and did have some alarming withdrawal symptoms ( insomnia, anxiety, and wild dreams). If at all possible I avoid taking it, despite the dizzy spells, flushes, insomnia, palpitations,

low motivation, and feeling panicky and "on-edge" most of the daytime. I try to control these symptoms with relaxation excercises, deep controlled breathing excercise, and Mindfulness Meditation. These, for the most part, keep things in check for me, and I would recommend this holistic approach supported by medications as necessary. I don't think meds on their own are the answer. I also don't believe the problem will ever go away completely, but it is manageable. It takes time and a little courage sometimes.

Sorry to ramble on, I didn't intend to write my life history!! Hope you find the above helpfull,

kind regards, Mallet-Head xx

mayalida profile image
mayalida in reply to mallet-head

Hello Mallet-Head, thank you for all your advice. I am thinking on getting on some mediation classes, I was looking for Mindfulness Meditation. Have you done all these yourself through self-help books, (I would be grateful of you can recommend any titles or by joining classes? Have you been doing meditation for a long time

mayalida profile image
mayalida in reply to mayalida

From Mayalida, I have just got a book titled Mindfulness, a practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world, by Mark Williams and Danny Penman, have you heard of it

in reply to mayalida

hello mayalida

i was on citalapram for 6 months but the side effects going on them and coming off them were awful for me personally. i have also seen a cognitive therapy practitioner who told me to purchase the mindful mediation book and CD which i did and i think helped a lot but I'm not very good at switching off, my mind wonders. I do recommend you buy it although i found it was more for depression than anxiety but i just skipped some pages that were not relevant to my problem. I down loaded the CD on my ipod and listened to it whenever i needed it. Look on Amazon and you will find it. I do hope you'll benefit from it as we all need something to help us get through the day. hugs x

mallet-head profile image
mallet-head in reply to mayalida

Hello mayalida,

I got into Mindfulness Meditation via a counsellor I was seeing. However information has come mostly from self-help books and Guided Meditation Apps on iPod or Android phone.

There are some good Guided Meditation Apps (at least I have found them useful!) from a company called Meditation Oasis. These can be downloaded from the Android App store, to an Adroid phone or Tablet , or iTunes if using an iPod. I've listed these below:-

1) "Walking Meditations" by Meditation Oasis download from iTunes store for £0.69p

2) "Take a break" by Meditation Oasis, download from iTunes store for £0.69p

3) "Relax and rest" by Meditation Oasis, download from iTunes store for £0.72p

4) "Deep Relaxation" by Darren Marks, free download from Google Apps store

5) "Total Relaxation" by Darren Marks download from Google Apps store £2.99 (but worth it) .

A couple I missed out from Meditation Oasis,

6) "Simply Being" is good for Mindfulness meditation, and keeping "present", and

7) "At Ease" covers 3 breathing technique meditations. Can't remember whether they are free or not. If not they are only "coppers".

I think the ones from Meditation Oasis are also available from Google Apps store.

Additionally, books on Mindfulness I've read and enjoyed are listed below. I downloaded these onto my Kindle Reader, but you can order the paperback version too in the absence of an e-book reader. I have not read the book you mention but would appreciate any feedback from you.

Another book you would find useful is one from Dr Claire Weekes, entitled "Hope and Help For Your Bad Nerves" It was written a few years ago but she was well ahead of her time and I believe her approach has a lot to recommend it. It is about a fiver from Amazon so won't break the bank hopefully.

1) "One Minute Mindfulness - How to live in the moment" by Simon Parke


3) "Mindfulness Plain and Simple" - by Oli Doyle

I also attend a meditation class every week called "Letting Go" which reinforces the value of "staying present" which is the main principle behind Mindfulness Mediation.

I have been doing this for just over a year now and it is a process of continual learning, but well worth the effort.

Hope you can gain from some or all of the above and best of luck with the meditation.Stick at it, it is well worth it!!

Kind regards, Mallet-head xx

in reply to mallet-head

Thanks for this. I have just taken 2mg. I have had a very bad week and frightened to take it. Listening to others really helps. Helen.

formidible profile image

I would love to have some Diazepam or Lorazepam to relieve my anxiety in the short-term, but my surgery refuses point-blank to prescribe them. I am taking /mirtazapine which is an anti-depressant. Although this helps a bit its nothing as compared to Valium of lorazepam for bad anxiety. I have booked to see a different GP in 2 weeks. If he refuses to prescribe them aswell I am thinking of chaning surgeries. I will also try some of the other alternative relaxation techniques. I do some meditation sometimes, but that is hard to do if you're in a very low mood.

Mishkacat profile image
Mishkacat in reply to formidible

I don't blame you, benzo's are very effective in emergencies, they are a short term fix...but all antidepressants are really. I've been down the same path as you and resorted to self medication.You can buy diazepam on the net legally from reputable companies, but you must research it and make an informed choice. I never got benzo's from my GP and know only through buying it on the net, it saved my life...it's your choice.Many would say the GP is god, but actually far from it....their experience, empathy and professionalism varies drastically just like any other occupation.

sambo1234 profile image
sambo1234 in reply to Mishkacat

I am trying to get them online whete is the best place as dont want to end up with fake ones x

jules2105 profile image


I take 40mg of citalopram a day and diazapam for emergencies only. I'm beginning to think the citalopram doesn't work, I have been taking it for about 3 years. I find the diazapam is really good but I only take it for emergencies as it is very addictive

Jules x

formidible profile image

My GP refuses to prescribe any benzodiazepines and I even have to order my own Zopiclone tablets for sleeping when needed from the internet as again they refuse to prescribe. Whilst I acknowledge that self-help and other forms of therapy are best long-term, short-term use of tranx are ok provided the user realises that you can quickly become addicted, and then go through a difficult time coming off. In my expereience 2mg of Diazepam is a very low dose and probably wouldn't have much affect on me.

Stevendb profile image

Hi if doctor gives you it be very carefull has a started on it and before a knew it I was addicted like a smack head buying them off the street , couldn't get enough on them for around 3 years wish a never stared worst three years off my life brilliant for a quick fix but in the long run be ready for a world of hell and a mean hell coming off them is serious hard worst withdrawals you will ever experience please think carefully before starting a started on 2mg before a knew it a was on 40mg a day it grips you big time .

Scarlett06 profile image


I have a very positive experience with Diazepam. I'm taking it for several months now, only as needed and it does help with my anxiety. It makes me much less anxious, calms me down and makes me feel relaxed. Valium Diazepam can be bought without a prescription at the pharmacy like generic-meds-store.com. I have purchased several times from this company and they have been very efficient.

Good luck !!

nettynoonah profile image

Hi Mayalida, I know your post was some time ago, how are you doing now? I am taking Velafaxine 150mg slow release a day and was also prescribed Diazepam 2mg, one or two to be taken twice a day. I found I was becoming reliant on these and so recently, my GP has prescribed Pregabalin 150mg twice a day. They seem to be helping, although making me a lot of sedated than Diazepam, and a bit more fuzzy headed and wobbly walking. Seeing him again in two weeks and hoping for CBT therapy appointment to come through asap. Take care x