Doctors tomorrow..: So on top of how... - Anxiety Support

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Doctors tomorrow..

12 Replies

So on top of how phenomenally tired I am right now...doubt I'll sleep later but anyway I'm nervous about the doctors tomorrow.

My mums warned me that this is last chance saloon and I need to go in and be more pushy as I'm just not getting anywhere and I'm probably worse now than I ever have been.

I'm trying a different doctor and the one I've been going to seems at a loss with me. Everything she suggested to try and decrease my heart palpitations I have done...stopping smoking...dramatically cutting down on alcohol...eating more fresh fruit and vegetables...jogging or light exercise...I've been doing it all now for nearly a year and I'm 100 times worse than when I started.

I have chest pain from the minute I wake up till the minute I go to sleep...have done for going on 3 weeks...I now have palps everyday as opposed to just random ones every week or so...I feel like I struggle to breathe...I get soooooo dizzy now I have to sit down..I'm having panic attacks in the street, at work, in shopping centres.

I'm 27 and I feel I have no quality of life...that's the worst feeling...the only positive I have out of everything is you know what I have just carried on living my life...I still go to out clubbing...go to friends houses cause if I didn't have that I think I would have done something rather silly by now.

Look at me rambling on...haha isn't like me. Anyway I'm happy I got all that off my chest.

Here to a sleepy night hopefully



12 Replies

I know it sounds odd but could your Mum go with you?I once had to go with my daughter when she was in her late twenties,and that was only to tell doctor she was pregnant! Your Mum could be good support for you.

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You know I did think of asking my Mum...but being a big 27(I don't act it) I was a scared the doctor would think I was a complete fool for taking my mother in with me..guess I shouldn't really care.


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As I said my daughter was pregnant and it was me that felt stupid,when we got into the surgery my daughter said to me "well tell him"He was taken aback and after a moment told me when anyone brought their mother it was because they did not want the baby,how delighted he was when we told him we were happy!

Sometimes you need your Mum for support .

in reply to

Haha I can just imagine the doctors face when your daughter said that.

If just asked her and she asked if I would mind...I said well I wouldn't have amazed if I didn't want you too lol.

So yeah she's on board...yay!! :-) xx

mimii profile image

Really hope the new doctor can be more helpful, might be worth writing down everything you want to ask then you won't be worrying about forgetting things later when your trying to sleep, think you're doing brill carrying on with your life despite all these things, will have everything crossed you get some sleep tonight :) mimii xx

in reply to mimii

Hi Mimii

I am fingers crossing here that this doctor suggests something. I'm at a complete loss now and when my sleep is disturbed I mean war lol.

I hope we both sleep tonight.


Mysteryreader profile image

Don't feel silly taking your mum. I took my partner in when i was ill and I was 50. I explained that I didn't always take in what was said and that O/H could support what I was saying. He was fine.

As Mimii suggested perhaps taking notes with you will help and I hope this doctor is more sympathic than the last one seems to have been.

Good luck


in reply to Mysteryreader

Thanks mums gonna come so hopefully she can be my back up cause I'm a muttering fool when I get to the docs...I don't know why cos outside I'm quite feisty lol xx

Hey you :-)

Now take your Mum if she will go you are never to old & sometimes doctors will listen more if you have some back up especially if its your Mum

When my daughter had her daughter she was 23 & I was there holding her hand !

Also when I was 39 & had an health problem that I seemed to be getting know where with my daughter came with me & spoke up for me !

I would seriously see if she could come with you

I will be thinking about you & make sure you let us know how you get on !

You have the Voice on Saturday to look forward to now you are a fully pledged Will-i-am fan so keep focused on that :-D




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Hey you.

She is going to come so hopefully she will speak up about how I am from her eyes. Maybe the doctor will look at it in a different way.

Yes I will defo be letting you guys know how I got on...whatever it is I'm gonna give it a shot...wether it be meds or what not.


Jeffju profile image

Ask your Mum to go with you.

I always go in with my husband as he has a tendency to get things muddled and not always listen.......ah, men.

I just see that your Mum is going with you.... good old Mum. She can support you and us Mums can be pushy if we think our kids aren't getting what they need or deserve!! You go, Mum.

Let us know how you get on and go with a new spirit..... your Mum is on board. Love Julie xxx

jules2105 profile image

Hi Ashley

If you can I think you should take your mum with you, good luck for tomorrow let us know how you get on

Jules x

Ps there is nothing wrong with taking your mum with you for support

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