Well. I've packed the deposits payed on the new house and I don't want to go. Wish I'd never agreed to it. Should of kept my house moved in with family until it died down. Hate that I've been forced into this.
Can't. Do it : Well. I've packed the... - Anxiety Support
Can't. Do it
Morning Scoobyd.
A move is a big thing and everyone gets anxious as to have they done the right thing it is only normal,, I know you are feeling you are being forced to move because of what has happened.
Try to think of it as a new start for you and your son, anew chapter in your life and a positive one at that.
true friends will keep in contact with you where ever you are.
I had to move over a hundred miles away and I felt the same as you, but am pleased to say things have worked out well, it was one of the best things I did.
Gardener x
Thanks but I'm being negative already so I'm making myself hate it that's why I've never moved the thought of someone else in my house kills me.
I know what you mean about never wanting to move or someone else in your home. I was the same.
I was forced to move as well and it was horrible, I kept telling myself this is my home I don't want to leave, even though I was all packed up etc like you.
It was not until I was at my new place for a couple of weeks that I could let go of my old place in my head.
gardener x