had stomach pains all day, was starting to feel better until i ate my tea and now theyve returned
Feeling ill: had stomach pains all day, was... - Anxiety Support
Feeling ill
Hi pink
Sorry you are not feeling to good
There is a stomach bug going about or it could be just one of those things that passes by tomorrow , lets hope its the latter
Maybe just stick with light things , toast etc till it settles down
Take Care
Yes i hope its passed by tomorrow, just what i needed on my day off lol. I felt ok eating toast and then i had a meal and it made me feel ill again. How r u? xx
Oh never mind , maybe if its feeling upset , stick with toast & sipping lemonade is good as well ,even tomorrow stick to blander things till you no it has settled back down
I am not good hun , I have the flu & only ever had it once before & not good , but it will pass & your upset stomach will to
I will do and thats true we'll both be better soon xxx