Got the job and bricking it!: Hi every... - Anxiety Support

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Got the job and bricking it!

Porgie profile image
8 Replies

Hi every1,could do with some advice... I'm working self employed from home atm,and to get regular money coming in as well I've just got a part time job which I've got.but I'm now freakin out abit.i want to do it but I'm worried il have anxiety while doing it and I Got to go to training day next friday.and I've got to be stuck in a room for couple hours which scared me as I carnt escape.sounds silly I no.hope u lot are ok x

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Porgie profile image
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8 Replies

Hi Porgie

Well not sure if I should say Congratulations or not here , but you did say you thought you would get the job & you have !

Of course you will feel anxious , who wouldnt , you have been working from home & now part time you will be working in a different work place that you are not used to , & its always the fear of the un known that sets are anxiety of

Nothing you have said sounds silly , sounds normal to me

I no you have said you need this job for the regular income , which I totally understand , but still tell yourself you are in control , because if you were totally un happy , you could change your mind & look at something else

I personally think you will be fine & you can come on here & we will support you

When your mind is saying what if I have a panic attack , ask yourself what if you do , what would be the worse that would happen ?

You would excuse yourself & say you felt dizzy etc & they would think nothing of it , maybe just to ask what they could get you & you wouldnt be lying as they do make you dizzy ;)

Sorry if this isnt the best answer this evening , not on top form , but wanted to let you no I had read your post & we are here listening :)




Nanlin64 profile image

Hya porgie, well done for even venturing out and getting a job, whilst suffering with anxiety. I am the same, and if i feel anxious at work, i concentrate hard on what im doing, to try amd make myself 'come out of it'. If it continues i have a camomile tea, or a Valerian capsule, which usually does the trick. I am just thankful that i can actually go to work, with this awful condition, that is've done the hard bit getting a job, the training day will be a doddle, im sure. Good luck, and let us know how you get on.

Hi, well done. I know exactly what you mean about being trapped. I have tested this a lot of times and believe me you can leave you can do what you want, I've stood up and wandered round the room, been to the loo, left early. So try not to think you will be trapped.

Good luck for your new job and you will be fine ( I know it's easier said than done)

Take care x

Jeffju profile image

Great news about the new job. You can always excuse yourself to go to the loo or wander around the room, as Winter says. Try to think of the positives and not the negatives... like 'I can't get out', yes you can, you are not chained down!!! Take it in small steps and don't look at the whole big picture... far too scary.You are obviously feeling in a fairly good place as you have applied for the job and now have training. GO FOR IT and all the very best..Let us know how it goes. Julie xx

Tashat07 profile image

Hi there,

Something similar happened to me about 3 weeks ago. I had to attend training for my job and I didn't know anyone there! I wound myself up so much before I even got there! BUT... I did it, I'm not saying it was my easiest day, but if I started to feel bad I just went and sat in the loo and had a glass of water. I felt so proud of myself at the end of the day for getting through it and it gave me loads of confidence (and made me feel exhausted!!!)

You can do it!!!! Be strong and remember that you're not trapped, you can get out, have a sip of water, go and get some fresh air ... Whatever works for you!

I really wish you lots of luck and congrats in the job xxx

Porgie profile image

Hi everyone,Thanku for all your kind positive words!!my positive head is screwed on lol!heres to next friday training day :) hope ur all ok xx

KatyCee profile image

Congratulations on getting the job! It sounds like you're in the exact same boat as me, I've just posted about a similar situation myself!

I have been out of work with my anxiety since April and have been spending the time trying to get myself better. I've just got a part time job and the ball starts rolling tomorrow, I'm so nervous. It's been months and months that I've been out of the swing of things and I can get quite panicked in social situations.

I just want to reassure you that you're not alone :) This is a really positive step for you to make and just keep reminding yourself of that whilst you're at the training event. I find it helps me to remind myself that this is MY choice - if I don't want to do it I don't have to. It helps me feel less trapped and more determined.

Big hugs and best of luck!

Katy xx

Porgie profile image

Hi Katy!yes I'm the same was in full time job 5 and half years then bang,anxiety come along.i also have been off work since April,it's hard not worrying but we carnt help it,I've also been using this time to get better seing a hypnotherapist atm so hopefully going to help.we do sound like we in the same situation ;) I'm sure u r going to be fine!!good luck with ur job.yes that's what I'm saying to myself try it if it dosent work try something different,as I carnt afford to be of work anymore lol xx

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