Not great.....: I first cam on here late... - Anxiety Support

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Not great.....

15 Replies

I first cam on here late last year I think and got lots of support from fabulous people, my life has changed a lot since then and recently Ive been having a really bad time and have stayed off cos I couldn't be positibve, but I still bob and and try comment now and again, but realised today that here I can state my fears with all you lovely people cos you all understand........

My life has got to a point where I cant work Im suffering so bad with anxiety and have days where Ive panicked all day, still waiting for cbt from last sept, but cos Ive been really bad they got me an assessment two weeks ago, the anxiety has just got worse...... I have an appointment with a nurse prescriber mon, but god these days are long and sometime I feel like I don't know how I can go on and don't want to wake in the moring.... But I read someones post about having panic attack and carrying on, and I realised I have to realise they are panic attacks, Im not going mad, not going to through myself of the bridge and If I just calm down it will pass, which is has for the minute.

So rather than hide myself away I thought Id blog and hope that I can at least for a small part feel normal and help me get through to Monday.......

I hope everyone else is doing good and Im sorry this is not a positive blog, but I'll try my hardest to think positive.

Love Ker

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15 Replies
deb123 profile image

Sorry you are having such a horrible time but you are doing positive things already-getting treatment, and telling yourself it is just anxiety and will pass.6 weeks ago I was in a bad way with panic attacks all the time but it is improving and talking on here definately helps.xx

in reply to deb123

thank helps to know Im not on my own...... I was just so wrapped up in myself I forgot how great everyone is on here.....Well done you xxx

Oh anne :-(

I am pleased you have blogged & told us just how bad you are feeling , even though of course I wish you were not , but at least we no & you no there is support here :)

I can see you have gone down , we will help to pick you up , we certainly can help to get you through to Monday :-/

These panic attacks are awful , but yes we do have to let them come & go & at the same time come on here , so we no we are not alone

I have been feeling stressed over taking a vitamin today , bet you havnt been that daft :-/

Trying to make you smile & to remind you that we understand

Take each day , break it up , into hours if you have to & bit by bit Monday will soon be here , you are stronger than what you think & I no you can & will get through this :)




in reply to

Hi whywhy... you always come to my rescue, thanks for your reply and making me feel better......Ive just got so wrapped up in it all............I know what you mean with the tablet thing, Im a little like that and theyre changing my medication and that in itself causes panic!!

You have made me smile though and always do, thank you so much!!

HOw are you doing anyway??


in reply to

Hi anne , you do better than me with the meds , its took me all day to calm down over a vitamin , so well done for taking yours :)

Me , I am still the same , what ever that is , never quite sure my self :-/ still on my waiting list , I just keep thinking this better be good , when I eventually get to go :)

You will get through this anne , I no you will :)


Hi Anne, it's horrid when it consumes you,I only know too well as I was in a real bad way last year:( I decided , enough was enough and wasn't going to let it control me. So I've taken positive action by reading up on the condition and understanding it. I've taken up mindfulness breathing. I've also taken up running just recently with other ladies who also suffer from depression and anxiety. It's been nearly 7 months now since my last big panic attack. If you really put your mind to getting well, it can't and won't hurt you:) Try to keep occupied if you can, go for a walk if you can,notice things around you,don't walk with head down, look up you'll be surprised what you see! Good luck, hugs xx

in reply to

thank you for your reply and positive thoughts...... that's brilliant what youre doing and well done, Iknow its hard!! thank you xx

adele78 profile image
adele78 in reply to

Hiya can I ask what mindfulness breathing is, my counsellor gets me to deep breath, inhale through the nose , exhale through the mouth, is that the same? Sometimes it helps to concentrate doing it, but then sometimes my lungs get so used to it that when I tried to bresth normally I feel as if I can't get enough oxygen

in reply to adele78

Hi adele, Mindfulness is a practise of staying calm and in the moment,it is practising the art of observation. Much of what we observe is breath, observing your breath with our changing it. It takes practise to learn this but it is helpful. Check out it's a free app for your phone. I use it all the time:) there are lots more online. Good luck. Xx

adele78 profile image
adele78 in reply to

Hiya again, sorry to bother you again! What do u call the app for ur fone.

in reply to adele78

Hiya, it's just called xx

Hello BOB here

Best way of looking at it is

Everyone is mad, daft and very paranoid I am the only one sane, with some exceptions.

Then look at those who mean something to you.,and ask yourself have I lost the plot, if the answer is yes you are very sane and accept that point Most of the plot these days is far to complicated for me to understand even after sixty years, it is this plot that makes society as mad as hatters


in reply to

Ah Bob, thanks so much for replying that has really made me smile!! Im actually make hats too so literally I am as mad as a hatter!!

thank you again x

Anne {{{{{hugs}}}}}

Don't despair you will come through this. My life is topsy turvy at the min to say the least! I'm still here though as mad as ever so you are not alone... Please keep posting how you are feeling there is always someone around. Meds are ok but in my experience there needs to be counselling or therapy alongside and the flipping postcode lottery really makes me so cross.

Stay strong hun and keep riding those waves.. dont fight em or they smash you into pieces hee hee I know I've tried and I stay well now by just thinking here's another wave, breathe, relax and wait while they pass cos they do.

Take care and never think you are going mad.. mad people dont know they are mad lovelie and you are definitely not mad.. Bit bonkers like the rest of us though yeah!!

Lots of love eve xxxxx

in reply to

Ah Eve, so lovely for you to reply......Ive been waiting for threrapy since last September..... Ive had an assessment two weeks ago cos id got bad, and I have another on Monday, so hopefully I'll get some help soon............ but cos Id got so wrapped up in it all forgot how this site makes it easier,,, If only to know Im not on my own or mad!! I am the authentic Mad Hatter, although that has to take a back burner at the min, but luckily in winter now many people want lovely wedding hats........... so a bit of a breather fro me at the min.

Sorry that your life is topsy turvey too and I hope you feel better soon!!

Lovely t hear from you xx

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