I am on tablets buy arnt working so i am now being referred to a councellor. i work 13hr days on a farm with my fiance but as my anxiety is so bad i am with him 24/7 as i feel safe wen hes around. my boss sacked me on saturday as he said it has been going on long enough! this really upset me and has now set me back! Id love to be able to go off and do things on my own without my other half but it seems impossible at the moment. will this ever go away and will i get my own independance back? thankyou for listening x
Hello everyone i havnt been on here for a ... - Anxiety Support
Hello everyone i havnt been on here for a while. I have been suffering really bad with panic attacks and anxiety recently

I'm sorry to hear about your job, I don't think that will have helped you much.
I think it does get better with time. I've had 7 yrs where I was fine then a few life changing events happened last year and I started to have anxiety.
Take care xxx

Thankyou very much xxx
Sorry things dont seem to good for you at the moment
Have you been & spoke to your GP or asked about counselling , it could be a good idea , I would even if you have before
Things will get better , you will get your life back , it takes time though , but slowly you will get there
Keep coming on & talking , you will get lots of support & just knowing you are not on your own really does help
Panic is bloody awfull we have been there your not alone just want to say that to you as I remember seeing it and it made me feel better so here's a hug from me over the Internet
Thankyou everyone its nice to no im not alone. I have to see a councellor in a few weeks so hopefully things will start to improve. xxx
Hi love. Firstly i would go to Citizen Advice about losing your job. They tried it with me but my occupational health department said I was protected under. Disability Discrimination Act because of my Panic Attacks I was deemed as having Mental Health problems. Secondly if it's C B T your going to have. Its Brilliant if you do as your Councillor asks. I was diagnosed over 30 yrs ago so know all about Panic/Anxiety. You can beat it . Its not a Demon that enters our. mind We put it there and feed it with our thoughts. And it is quite happy making our life hell. Tell it F,,k off next time it tries to take control. Its only our minds fueling it that's why it carries on. Good luck love x