Trying not to google: I am still trying to... - Anxiety Support

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Trying not to google

21 Replies

I am still trying to stop myself googling health sites, haven't been on one for 7 days now. I feel if I could just get a diagnosis about my pain I would be ok. I suppose if I wasn't worried about this it would be something else. Seems never ending

21 Replies

Well done Holly

I no how hard it is not to google & 7 days is along time for people with health anxiety , to resist

You wont find your answer to your pain on there hun , you will find the worse possible answer that you wont have & frighten yourself

I dont no if you have been to the GP with your pain or if its a case of every day you feel you have something different ,but if something is really worrying you , ask the GP , believe what they tell you (even though I no that can be hard ) & do what you have done today post on here

You are not on your own with this & I am sure your pain will not be anything , even though I no the more we focus on it , we build it up to be something , but this does get better the more you can try & change your pattern of thought , which does take time ,but the easier it will get to leave google alone

Well done again resisting




Bramble63 profile image

I spend hours doing it,not good but,we all look for answers

Thanks whywhy and bramble, it's so addictive but I know I've got to believe my doctors. Sometimes I feel I am going around in circles

Bigguy profile image

Anxioty wants to make you feel that there is something wrong and if you have a pain and its is hurting its is there but its more likely a symptom of anxiety example a few weeks ago my back went into this huge spasm because I was full of anxiety and tension I did not realise how stressed I was about my anxiety I did not realise that it can cause me such a pain but it did so, well when I feel a pain I just think its my anxiety tensing me out causing the pain I do hope that helps you I'm no GP but that's worked for me I've scared my self stupid some time searching the net so I do not any more I come here its much better xxxx

seyi profile image

Hi Holly

I use to scan the internet looking for various answers to any illness i thought i had. Even looked up symptoms in books.

I would come off feeling 10 times worse and thinking i have this that and the other. My anxiety then would go into overdrive.

Have myself dead and buried. LOL. I stopped this months back.

The mind plays awful tricks and is a powerful tool to steer you into thinking you have something drastically wrong with you.

I am happy to read you have not been on google looking for answers to pain etc. Refrain from this honestly it was the best thing i ever did and feel better for it.

If in doubt please see the Doctor face to face and explain your worries.



Love Seyi xxx

Thanks semi seeing my doctor again Monday and also having CBT. Thanks for the reply

Bramwell profile image

Hello Holly.

I slipped off the wagon yesterday and spent a couple of hours Googling my latest health anxiety.

Did I feel better afterwards - no!

I knew it would do me no good but still on I went and I've only myself to blame.

in reply to Bramwell

Bramwell & Holly

I dont really need to go on google at the moment , even if I wanted to , my own head is telling me enough :o

Hope you both manage to have a google free day , well week :)




Bramwell profile image
Bramwell in reply to

Sorry you're not good at the moment whywhy. It's awful when your mind recalls snippets from Googling and bits mentioned by friends of illnesses as, if you're like me, you add them all together with your symptoms and there you - another health anxiety attack drops on you.

I've certainly been a bit better since I started going to the gym three times a week, but it'll only take one thing to knock me back again.

in reply to Bramwell

Hi Bramwell

I think my problem is at the moment , I have a hospital appointment coming up , for what the GP thinks is a cyst , well you can imagine what I am thinking it is

Thats the thing I dont get with this , we have the fear of everything been wrong , but for me I dont want to say anything just in case they do find anything

I dont no if that makes any sense

Good for you going to the gym


Bramwell profile image
Bramwell in reply to

I understand completely what you're saying whywhy. I'm the same.

I had a bad Google session this morning and, of course, am scared of what it's thrown up! Why did I do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in reply to Bramwell

O dear Bramwell , what are we going to do with you :o

It will throw up everything , I no you no that already though

Can you not try & come on here when you are tempted , I do

At the moment if I went looking with whats running through my mind , I no eventually I would find my thoughts on there

When you are reading it , do you miss the bit out that says the chances of this are one in so many thousands , because normally most things will say that , even though I no you may still think you are the one they speak about

I say as well , if I did have all these things I wouldnt be here by now & neither would you

Try & come on here when you get the urge it is less frightening :)


Bramwell profile image
Bramwell in reply to

I know I know!! Why do I Google when I just know it'll bring nothing but misery.

At least people on here understand the fear health anxiety produces and the need for reassurance (normally via Google which does just the opposite).

in reply to Bramwell

O Bramwell

I had to laugh when you said normally via Goggle which just does the opposite , I do no what health anxiety is like believe me , my head is not as its best with it at the moment either , but Google , well...if I went on there now & looked , bet you any money , I would be back on here doing a post within minutes , going of alarming :o

Try your best to keep of , you no its not the cure , its just the opposite ;)


I am glad I am the only one who struggles to stop googling

in reply to

Holly I struggle actually have not done it yet today but a long day to go yet.So don't beat yourself up about it just try and leave it longer every day.Says she LOL if ever you want to chat in privateI am here Hugs.

Thanks erstchay glad to know I am not alone

Hello whywhy hope your appt. goes ok I am sure everything will be fine. I am the same I must have had every disease going. I get so fed up with it . I just wish there was a magic pill you could take to curb all your anxieties. Good luck will be thinking about you

in reply to

Thank you Holly , its the 4th , I wish it would hurry up & come & go

Believe me though this does get better , I am not half as bad as I used to be , its just now when they do say , something needs looking at , then straight away , I have to have the worse thing possible , the rest of the time I can control it , & you will to , takes time , but you will slowly reverse your thinking pattern with practice


janbabe123 profile image

I'm terrible for googling - i'm currently undergoing CBT for a panic disorder, but I've also been recently told by my doctor that I could have Congential Adrenal Hyperplasia, and even though I'm not googling symptoms to find an answer, I have googled it (as my doctor hadn't even heard of it!) and it turns out it can make you infertile - luck would have it that my husband and I are currently trying for children!! Googling that is dangerous for me! Makes me 10 times worse than I already feel.

Hello janbabe the trouble is sometimes you can't help yourself, it's addictive. Take care

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