How many of you hold down a job with anxiety? - Anxiety Support

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How many of you hold down a job with anxiety?

silver_snow profile image
11 Replies
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silver_snow profile image
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11 Replies

I do but I struggle I am a mental health nurse and I don't know how much longer I can do it. I work part time but run a home and babysit for my daughter whilst she works, I am shattered

minion77 profile image

I actually had to quit my previous job, as when a customer was rude to me it would bring on my panic attacks, and your not exactly going to fond a job where every single customer is lovely! As it's pretty impossible to live with no income whatsoever, I am now looking at admin roles but not front of house. I think something further back would maybe be good for you too? The customers can't get to you that way, if that's what the problem is of course xx

silver_snow profile image
silver_snow in reply to minion77

funny you should guess i'm front of house as i am, customers don't really bother me, as i have been in a customer face to face role forever but i think there is the pressure of having to be there to serve them, im not prepared to give in though as i have done it for 7 years so why not now i was just curious as to what other peoples situations were really as one of my worries is having to give up a job. i have always considered other jobs but dont really know what would suit me but that for me to figure out hey!

I have a job to, although currently on sick leave. I have always had a job since starting with anxiety 20 yrs ago. I am beginning to wonder if it is worth the effort. I work where I have to visit homes and help parents with their children. I am finding it really difficult xxx

silver_snow profile image
silver_snow in reply to

i think it is worth it good for stimulation and to feel like you are doing something worthwhile, especially yours when you are helping people, thats got to be good for the soul, my trouble is i had a job i liked/even loved for 7 years and it has all folded- recession and now i have a bog standard waitress/hospitality job that is ok but more of a chore so not as distracting for my anxiety, plus side is everyone has been nice and even understanding about my anxiety (im rubbish at hiding it and tell people so they dont think i have gone nuts) so im hoping as usual with my anxiety if i just carry on as normal it usually buggers off and my brain forgets it again

Cookster99 profile image


I worked in Mental Health and due to anxiety and stress, long shifts, I quit in January and have not been back. My OH works long shifts and i do everything in the home. I dont know how i ever managed both. I do want to go back but not into the healthcare sector. xxx

Hello cookster I agree it is a very demanding job. What with all the politics and paper work it isn't nursing any more

tamib profile image

I also hold down a full time job, long days involving close contact with colleagues but I don't have to deal with customers. I'm struggling at the moment because the mood in the workplace is poor and this affects my own feelings.

I'm trying to deal with this by staying away from some of the more negative individuals and taking a walk at lunchtime rather than sitting in the break room having to listen to negativity. Maybe this can work for others?

london-man profile image

I'm out of work, have been for over a's hard because I live in london, i am going to do a course or something to get me back into work.

agora profile image

I was a high-performer in a job with a multi-national ten years ago, burned myself out. Bullied by a colleague when I was at my wits end with stress caused by pressure, asked for help from personnel, who were outrageously crap. They knew I was ill, agreed therapy sessions off-site, but continued to put me under immense pressure. Eventutally I walked out, I was called back with a new contract but the damage had been done by then. I left.

millerlou80 profile image

I've struggled all through my work life as I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks. I recently had to leave my job a couple of months ago because I couldn't cope after going through a bad patch. My partner works full time and has been able to pay the mortgage and bills but it's not ideal. I've had to leave some good jobs in the past too. I have an interview tomorrow for a full time role in a housing association with some customer service. I am used to back office type work as I find dealing with people face to face a challenge with the way I feel at the moment. I am extremely nervous about it as I'm not sure I'm ready to go back to work just yet but financially I need to. I'm currently having hypnotherapy which I am finding is helping me deal with anxiety and confidence. Maybe this could be something for you to consider?

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