I am here: Rubbish day feel very ill like I... - Anxiety Support

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bonnie1959 profile image
29 Replies

Rubbish day feel very ill like I am going to drop anytime soon, but for the mo I am here, how you all, the all that is here that is, It is very quiet.



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bonnie1959 profile image
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29 Replies
Cookster99 profile image

Hi bonnie

Fear not, I am here, lingering like a bad smell lol, what's up hum, why have you had a bad day? Xxx

bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to Cookster99

Hi Cookster, yes a very bad day, bad head pain dizziness ,pain to shoulders neck and back, weak legs, and feeling like going to pass out all day, plus a throbbing in my ears, and palps. And cant stop crying, was on citalopram for 5 and half weeks with no change if anything worse, doc said to take venlafaxine straight away without coming away from citalopram for I bit. Plus ex husband came to my door with demands for money, I have posted the details of that in reply to whywhy, Anyway hope you are ok. and thank you for your reply.




Hi Bonnie

Sorry just answered you on my blog , now seen this , its hard work without emails keeping up on here

Now then whats been happening ?

Do you think you are a little anxious with the meds swap over , I can understand if you are , because I get anxious just taking meds

As soon as they start working though , you will feel the benifits , if you can hang on in there

Keep talking to us , we will try & help


bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to

No, just cat stop crying, got up and so much pain to my head shoulders neck and back, kegs weak and constant dizziness, and feeling of going to pass out all day long, and feeling so ill with it all, I have tried to pick my self up by saying to myself you are ok its just a bad day, I think I am also disappointed that citalopram didn't work and I have to start all over again aswell. Hope you are ok whywhy and taking it easy,




in reply to bonnie1959

I can understand , what you are saying , I was taking a tablet for something else , took me a while to get confident taking them but I did , then they started making my migraines worse , so had to come of them & then given another one , i felt just like you , so disappointed as i wanted the others to work

Keep going & talking , you will soon be taking these & fingers crossed feeling alot better , just while you are swapping you may feel a little wobbly , but we will help hun


bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to

Also my ex husband been round again, he has my garage key and is using the garage and storing his trailer here, he wont give me my key, he has not lived here for 6 years. And now says that he wants half my house, when I bought him out of it 20 yrs ago and left me nothing at the time in equity, He says that because I let him back which was for 2yrs he says he says he has rights and that he needs money. he aint lived here for 6yrs, the house is in my sole name and has been for 20yrs now, he no I cant fight him right now with this, and have no job now either .




in reply to bonnie1959

Dont listen to him Bonnie

He as far as I no wouldnt have any rights

If he hasnt any money & needs some , he would have to take you to court , that would cost a fortune

He is just calling your bluff , I think

If it was me , I would say , do your worse then & take me to court

I think you will find he will back of

Also there may be something like CAB that could give you advise on this & put your mind at rest , without you paying for a solicitor

For now though dont worry , I doubt very very much he has any rights

Look after you , ignore him


bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to

He don't have no rights whywhy as you say as when it was done it was done through a solicitor, as he was gambling behind my back while I was at work and he wanted the money to pay the debts of his habit. The aggrement was that on him having the money the house would go in my name as it did, I had to protect the home for my children and me. He also signed paper work that he would have no further claim on the house or the contents, contents of which I might add were gone along time ago, I had a very good job on high pay, that I have lost now, over the years I replaced the home, nothing here belongs to him all paid for by me, and even when he was around he didn't buy much , he was to busy gambling what he had away in the bookies and online gambling, when I was out the way at work. I think he trying to put me further down, well he cant put down more than I am at the moment, the next has got to be up.

Thank you whywhy




in reply to bonnie1959

No Bonnie , he doesnt stand a chance then

Tell him to do one , I would , infact he wouldnt be using my garage , I wouldnt want him near

When he comes , just say I have nothing to say to you

You divorced him remember , because he made you life hell , now you are , please try & not let him continue , as some do

But you are strong stuff hey


bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to

I don't want him coming round here, and using my garage, but he wont give me my key, I may have to see if I can get the lock changed, but money not of a essence now with no job. But on the other side no I am not going to respond with money as the only way to do that would be for me to put the house up for sale, and I am not doing that he had money , The house is now my childrens future, there money when I am not here. what upset me more was that he said, well when your dad dies you will have half that house with your sister, I did say so what that's none of your business , he didn't like that, so came back with , you don't need all on your house, at that point I slammed the from door in his face and ended up on the floor . In future I will check before I go to the door.




in reply to bonnie1959

Bonnie love , he sounds a flipping bully!

Your girls are grown up now ? there is no reason you have to have anything to do with him

You could tell the police he has your key & even though you agreed to it , you no longer want him to be using your garage

Surely , it must work , while you are giving him permission he can , but now you no longer are he cant just do what he wants , its your property , I would see that as breaking the law , I would tell him next time to move his stuff or thats what I would do

Sounds like he needs money & because he feels you have more than him , he is getting resentful towards you (some do) but dont let him drag you down , he is (ex ) for a reason , dont let him take you down again , you are worth more than that , let him see you can stand up to him !!


Hi Bonnie,

I've been in and out the site all day, but maybe my mind is saying "hooray it's the weekend so let's unplug and switch off" Not a good thing. Sorry you've been having a bad one, I've floated in and out myself, no energy, enthusiasm, appetite. Could it be the heat?



bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to

Hi Shalom , no not the heat none here today a lot cooler and no sun either , I think a combination of meds and a ex husband today . I hope you are well Shalom. thank you for your reply its much appreciated.



Sending a big hug x

bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to

Thank you missd x

Hope you are good




Hi Bonnie, I've just popped in. I'm sorry to hear you are feeling ill. Take it easy and speak to you soon xx

Have you stopped your citralopram suddenly? Because if you have it's probably that


bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to

Hi winter no I didn't doc told me not to but go straight on to venlafaxine. loads have happened, I am glad you are good today winter, hope it continues as it will.




fadedlizard profile image

Hi Sweetie,

Sorry you're feeling so low. I'm not surprised with your ex behaving like that. I would be stressed to bits. I don't think he has any claims on your house, love but when you feel up to it please get some proper advice as you really don't need the worry.

I'm feeling really low at the moment too ~ must be something in the air ;)

Take Care of Yourself,



bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to fadedlizard

Thank you Lizard, no he has no rights, house is in my sole name, I bought him out 20yrs ago as he needed money to pay off gambling debts, an agreement through solicitors at the time was that on the receipt of the money to him , the house would be in my sole name, this I wanted to protect my home for my children, I can only assume he has got debts of this nature again and is trying it on, as he no I not able or want to argue with him, I think he just wants to put me further on the floor. Thank you lizard for your reply, hope you feel better soon aswell.




Hi Bonnie,

Not up to speed on different meds, unlike some I know, but mine were changed about 3 months ago, together with a work relocation. Suddenly everything started to fall apart. The circle kicked in, but I've hung in with the meds, even though I didn't think they were doing me much good 4 weeks ago, I was having really bad side effects. I believe you have to give them time but it took me quite a lot of convincing to start taking them in the first place.



Hi Bonnie sorry to hear it not feeling well today. Hope u pic up abit tomorrow. As for ur ex don't let him get to u, it's the last thing u need at the moment. As whywhy says he's trying to call it bluff xxx

bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to

Thankyou you never no maybe better tomorrow , he got to me today seeing his face when I opened the door and what he had to say after such a long time , I can only assume he no from the children that I not well at the mo, so thought good time to have try at getting cash, he must have gambling debts to pay again as that what he did when I was out the way. i have also just started venlafaxine straight from citalopram doc said it would be ok. Hope you are good, thank you for your reply




bonnie1959 profile image

He has had the key for 6 year he would never give it back to me, he started using my garage around 8 months ago to store scrap metal in, I asked at the time again for my key and told him he could not use my garage, but has ignored me on all accounts, my garage is in a block, so I don't see him use it, not where it is situated, but was told by my elder daughter who saw him. I cant call police bout it.




axol36 profile image

evening all, hope everyone's ok, well those of us who are here that is!


bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to axol36

Hi Rob

Evening to you aswell , Have you baked today, it has been cooler where I am today and no sun either, I have had a very bad day, but all that are on tonight have made me feel a bit better. Hope you are well two.



in reply to axol36

Evening Rob

We have Seyi in NZ , I have been trying to get her back to the UK

Do you think you could help at all , you have been very good at flying back & forth lol

Hope you have had a lovely evening & its a bit cooler thank goodness


Just come in Bonnie and see your post. Sorry you are feeling so ill and hope you feeling bit better now.

Your ex-hubby is a RAT. Rats belong in sewers...next time he comes round trying it on imagine him in his sewer up to his waist in filth! And picture him with a rats face. Might make you laugh instead! Lots of hugs love and keep your pecker up.

Bev xx

Jeffju profile image

So sorry to hear about your bad day and it's no wonder really . Anyone would feel lousy with an ex-husband, who sounds like a bully, turn up and threaten all kind of things. I know you are in a bad place at the moment but when you are a bit better do you think it would help if you went to see someone at the Citizens Advice Bureau. They are free so no money involved, they may have some suggestions. I know some have free lawyers time too. Your med change probably isn't helping either. One psychologist once told me that Venlafaxine was an excellent medication, the best, so I really hope that it works for you. Hang on there and, hugs to you. xx

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