Where are my notification emails? ...and o... - Anxiety Support

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Where are my notification emails? ...and other updates

7 Replies

Hopefully you are all noticing the improvements coming in slowly but surely. I assure you we are working very hard over here!

I know you're wondering where the notification emails have gone, along with daily updates. During the move to the new platform we've had to disable them, but they should be up again very soon. As a result I'm sure there will be many more people visiting the site.

Also I'm sure you're aware of the transition we've made from keeping this site, but having it be managed and moderated by us, HealthUnlocked. Not something we've done before but we hope to get some great admins in here soon. Until then, hope you don't mind seeing more of me around here. You're a great bunch of people so I enjoy reading your posts :)

Thanks for being so supportive during this transition, even if it may have had an additional burden on your anxiety! Remember, you can click on my name any time and send me a personal message with any feedback/concerns.


Lora & Team HU

7 Replies
bainsmaster profile image

I would like to thank you for the effort that everybody on HU has put into saving this site.It is a much needed place of solace for anxiety sufferers like myself.

I would also like to add that I personally have much more faith in your admins than I did in the previous ones.Thank you

in reply to bainsmaster

brainmaster , just seen your post & I agree , I think once this gets sorted , I have seem to be getting that feeling I have more faith in Admins on here as well

Hope you are keeping well


in reply to

Thank you for the kind words.

Given the circumstances, Anxiety UK did their best to make this community work, so I think we should thank them for helping the community grow and prosper in the meantime. We wouldn't all be here today without them!

Its great seeing you about , you are always welcome lol

Also its nice to see that people do care about us & we no you are doing your best & we do appreciate it , we just like a little moan & I think anxiety stops alot of us dealing with changes

Thank you for all you are doing

I would love to get me faces back :-) just thought I would ask lol

Have a good day



I must agree ad infinitum with Bainsmaster.You are doing a good job and you do keep us updated.

Thank you for your efforts

Sorry I usually like to moan but cannot on this occasion


bainsmaster profile image

Thank you whywhy I am quite well,hope you are also but I do not like this heat especially at night.

I fully understand that a certain amount of "policing" of sites has to go on.But when I first joined this site it was a happy,cheerful and supportive bunch of people.It could probably have run itself.

We are gradually getting it back I feel.All I really want are the email notifications back and,like you,the faces would be good.

in reply to bainsmaster

Hi Brainmaster

Same here , the heat is a little to much & like you say at night , its getting harder to sleep , & this doesnt help , its one extreme to another in this country , either cold & rain or boil us lol

I agree , I do miss the old format , I found it so easier with questions & blogs side by side , I could just pop on when i had a minute & straight away see if someone needed some support , this way I am struggling a little , remembering to look in questions as well as posts & yes without emails I am loosing track

I am sure the other one could have kept running , ok I no from time we can disagree lol its like a family , but look at us now , when the chips are down we are all trying to stick together

I just hope i can get used to this , I am doing my best


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