I have taken Ativan for sleep for the last two months, and have done well with it, but I have developed a tolerance for it and it’s no longer working as well, so rather than increase the dose I know it’s time to taper off with it. The thing is, I’m terrified of insomnia! Anxiety and horrible thoughts! Irrational, I know, but I get trapped in it. Does anyone have any tips for mind-calming in the middle of the night?
Insomnia: I have taken Ativan for sleep... - Anxiety and Depre...

I went through a horrible bout of insomnia due to some medication changes and anxiety. Couple things that helped:
1. I switched from hydroxyzine (anti anxiety med) before bed to melatonin and it works great and is very safe.
2. Warm bath before bed does wonders.
3. Yoga nidra on youtube is super helpful for sleep.
4. Exercise during the day will help wear out the body and make you more tired.
5. If you are having trouble sleeping, get out of bed and do something. Sitting in bed will make the anxiety worse (at least in my experience). Go to another room, wash the dishes, journal, etc. Then the return to bed will feel a bit more new/comforting.
Best of luck - insomnia sucks. You got this!
Hi crow boy don't try and stop your meds with out consulting your doctor he maybe able to find something that may help don't lose heart and trust your doctor he may be able to help you more I wish you all the best take care get well soon !
hi there. I don’t often post on here, but when I read of someone terrified of insomnia I have to reach out! I’ve been there and it can become all consuming. Give the Lexapro a chance to work and then discuss dosage with your dr if no relief on the sleep side. I take fluoxetine which works well for mine. It stops my mind racing and stops me obsessing with insomnia. The key is to not put effort into sleep. Once you start making a ritual and a thing of it, it becomes a ‘thing’. Check out Martin Reed Insomnia Coach- loads of free you tube, insta and stuff online. He has so many helpful Cognitive tricks you can try.
If you can stay relaxed when in bed then remember your body is still repairing and recovering when lying still even if you’re not asleep. Not ideal, but it helps. It’s amazing what the human body can cope with! I’ve pulled several all nighters in a row with my insomnia! Thankfully now I sleep like a baby and don’t think about it. However, I had to reply to you as I know only too well how dreadful it is.
All the best. H
have you ever tried talking to it. Sounds mad I know 😊. !! It worked for me. It's like surrendering to it.say. "Ok, do your worst just do it ". That kind of thing. It's amazingly therapeutic as the anxiety has nowhere to go when you give it permission.
I learned it in "freedom from fear group'. . Taken from the late Clair Weeks
Also emotional tapping relieves the moment. (EFT). On line I'm sure and there are therapists albeit quite expensive. I went for one session to learn it and experience. Walked in an emotional anxious wreck and came out without a care in the world
... when you tell it to do its worst it's good to get angry at it 😳 gggrrrt. Not so good if you can be heard 😁. I drive and scream at it lol
A good u tube meditation can really help loads to choose from , it works as you are nodding off into the subconscience
I used to be dreadful but for me these kind of tactics got me through until I just 'gave up worrying' and then it was no longer a problem
The pressure of having to get up for work and being tired played tricks. I just had to adapt to sn attitude of so what, il manage, I always do. Plan b il sleep as soon as I get back home or il have 40 winks in lunch break, it builds your confidence having a plan and often felt ok anyway without
Good luck if one thing helps was worth the ramble. You are so not alone
Yes, this is how I’m learning to handle my OCD thoughts- do your worst! I say. Anxiety feeds on itself, and I get stuck in that loop, getting anxious about sleeping creates more anxiety, of course. Really hard for me to get calm in the small hours of the morning.
look up body scan meditations online. Those help me .
Hi CrowBoy. I'm with you on feeling quite a bit of anxiety related to insomnia. Getting trapped in a cycle of overwhelming thought patterns while you're trying to just get a good night's rest REALLY SUCKS.Glad to hear you're following the advice of your provider. I just wanted to add that I've been taking Trazadone (50mg) for years and it hasn't lost its efficacy. I also take Lexapro (20mg) in addition to other anxiety and depression meds. If the taper down, and other natural solutions don't help, and you just want something to conk you out, inquire with your provider about Trazadone.
Wishing you the best!
Hi CrowBoy,
I have had severe insomnia during my major bouts with depression. In addition to medication (I have been prescribed trazadone, which is very effective for me and non-habit forming), I pray, listen to mindfulness mediation and other relaxation music or videos. I also focus on breathing to focus my mind away from my troubles. Other things that are helpful for me are relaxing my mind before bedtime by not playing video games, or other mind stressing activities and during the day, I try to focus on my goals, which include regular exercise, and other physical activity like home projects. I am also trying to cut back on my caffeine. I hope this is helpful for you.
I would say be cautious when tapering any Benzodiazepine, which is what Ativan is ( I know from experience due to a rough taper off of Xanax) and go slow, do a little research on tapering Benzos. There is a lot of info out there but ultimately seek a doctors advice, before starting a taper.
For sleep, look into grounding / earthing. I’ve been sleeping on a grounding mattress mat for almost 2 weeks and I can see a noticeable difference in my quality of sleep and most importantly a reduction in my waking Anxiety (Cortisol levels).
As a fellow insomniac I get it ... I'll do relaxation exercises every day for anxiety and in the middle of the night, or I'll listen to Michael Sealy on Youtube or whatever it takes and just tell myself that if I don't sleep "Oh well" I seem to survive just fine ... I take xanax and I've developed a tolerance to it also, so I try to use it sparingly and just survive the nights I can't sleep. It's like one author said the more you're afraid of something the worse it is so try to accept that fear ... (easier said than done) Or see if the doctor can give you a stronger dose ? Not sleeping and trying to cope with Real life sucks ... Sorry I don't have any good advice!!
CrowBoy, using Meditation for quality sleep is something I use each and
every night. In time, within listening to a few words, I go into a REM sleep
and wake up with no side effects. My subconscious mind takes in the
positive affirmations and settles the brain down. YouTube has many helpful
videos on sleeping better. Good Luck and my best to you xx