I just started a new job and have been feeling increased amounts of anxiety, I just sometimes hate it so much. It’s exhausting dealing with it all the time and seems so unfair. I try not to feel too sorry for myself because so many ppl have it worse but it’s hard to get out of my head when it hits. The heat spreading through me making me all tingly, the nausea and feeling like I want to crawl out of my own skin. I know it’s going to get better cause it always does it’s just exhausting ya know?
struggling: I just started a new job... - Anxiety and Depre...

I do know Willis101 and I understand. You described the feelings perfectly
so that one can relate, but know you are not alone. Are you on any medication?
Do you have therapy? Although these are but band aid effects, they can help
give your tools and methods to get through these uncomfortable spells.
When this happens, which is very likely prompted by stress at work, could you
check your breathing pattern? Breathing properly can reverse some of the
symptoms quickly and efficiently. Once you get to that peaceful state of mind,
even though it might not last long, it's enough for you to feel comfortable in your
own skin again.
I'm glad you have reached out to us. Talking with people who understand you
is a step forward in not feeling so lost and alone. It's going to be okay. You are
okay. You are Safe. You've got a good group of people behind you. xx
Thank you so much for your reply. I am seeing a therapist starting next week. I do like meditation but it’s hard to focus when my brain is going a mile a minute and looking for the quick fix solution.
I am on Effexor that I take everyday but also have clonazepam for when it gets really bad and escalates to a panic attack.
I do need to focus on my breathing, it just seems so hard to focus on anything but getting rid of the feeling. Even if I know logically, the breathing will help.
I’ve recently discovered that it makes me feel alone. That having anxiety and dealing with it all the time makes me feel like I’m fighting the world alone.
I do remember the feeling Karliel3880... It can be the loneliness feeling in the world.
Once I found myself again, through meditation and breathing, my path in life became
easier. The thing for me was practicing each and every day without fail until my brain
accepted the changes in my thinking. It takes time but can eventually help you calm
those thoughts and feelings. xx
That’s a good idea. I’m not consistent at all with meditation but it think it would definitely help to not just do it when I’m panicking but all the time so I’ve learned the skill and it’s familiar.
Karliel, once we are in the throws of Panic, it is so much harder to get it
back under control. However, by practicing it *(as I do 3 times a day) my body
learned to use those tools and bring the fear down through breathing and
meditation. It is not a quick overnight success and can take many years to
react automatically to the power within us. xx
Good morning. How is your morning going?
I made it to work and am feeling okay so far. I did take a clonazepam so I’m sure that’s helping too but I’m feeling better about being here and I don’t want to climb the walls to escape yet.
I have depression and anxiety. When I was working, I suffered from almost debilitating anxiety related to work. I can relate.
it’s so annoying. Everybody else can just function n work away like normal and it takes everything in me to say seated in the chair.