I need wisdom! I commonly experience three negative feelings that can make me spiral in thought, also can stir up extra anxiety. I want to know if you can relate and what you’d say!
1. A empty void or hollowness in my chest. It’s like a tinnitus in the soul. It hums in the background. I find it won’t go away unless some big event happens or I turn to a vice I regret and in some sense I feel a reset in my emotional equilibrium. My brain thinks I can’t handle the feeling so I can self-sabotage sometimes as a result.
2. Feels like pent-up energy wants to get out. I sometimes will exercise when I feel this but it can still remain. Perhaps I need more consistent exercise.
3. Almost the inverse of the second, it can feel like my soul is hungry for something. I can then think of turning to a vice. I’m trying to turn to community and to prayer to Jesus and scripture to fill this “hunger.”
When I experience these, especially the first one, it can cause a lot of social anxiety. While talking to people I’m focused on this feeling I have at the same time. I’m pretty high-functioning and talk to a lot of people with work but I’m in two places at once many times. These feelings, especially the void, inhibit my work, it can be really hard to stay on a task because the feeling is like a wet blanket.
My doctor I trust as a friend, he said I have chronic sleep deprivation so we’re working on that. I usually am up for an hour or two in the night. Then I probably will try an anti-depressant.
Has anyone experienced these? Do you think an anti-depressant is useful?
I really appreciate your help!