Does someone in your life:
Seem like they are jealous of you in any way or because they think your life is better than their's - and they take it out on you or punish you for it?
Do they make fun of you about your clothes, make-up, body, age, or any other reason that makes you feel bad about yourself?
Do they get upset or angry with you because you have a different opinion or point of view as them?
Do they use guilt trips, coersion, or manipulation to get what they want from you?
Do you feel like you are being taken for granted? Eg: The other person has the impression that they can mistreat you because you are related or you have been in a long term relationship.
Has someone done something nice for you and now they make you feel obligated to them or like you owe them? Remember...true gifts should be honestly and freely given.
I'm sure there are other reasons for setting people in our lives free.
These are just a few of my reasons for setting them free so I can be me!
Hope you all have a great day! Best wishes in your healing journey!