I’m 27 years old and I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety my whole life. I’ve been in and out of therapy, diagnosed with CPTSD, and continue to struggle with the day to day. I consider myself a smart and passionate person with lots of interests, but I have extremely low self esteem and struggle to do regular tasks, including the things I love and taking care of myself. I have hit a really low point as I’m very unhappy at my current job, but haven’t found any alternatives and don’t really know what I want to do instead. I’ve developed acid reflux from the stress and feel very sick a lot of the time, but am holding out for a doctor’s appointment at the end of the month. My insurance is also tied to my job which is an added stressor.
I’ve tried inpatient and outpatient treatments groups. I’ve reached out to a therapist and career counselor and haven’t heard back for over a week. I’m currently not on any meds bc nothing was working or making me feel like myself. Would love any treatment suggestions, or general support.