Many people take vitamins, but many companies are selling toxic doses, the recommended dose of b6 is 30 to 50mg, however most of the vitamin B6 and complex B vitamin have 100mg of vitamin B6 and its to high, it can become toxic at 50mg or less, so be careful, trust an honest man more than all the knowledge, always fack check everything, before you buy,
Toxic vitamins : Many people take... - Anxiety and Depre...
Toxic vitamins

Absolutely! There are many people who think that a chemical, because it exists in Nature, a "natural product" is safe. False! There are a host of naturally occuring compounds that can be lethal! Bottom line: Labs exist for many vitamins. Get those blood draws! Besides which, there are a couple of complicating factors: a. Minimum daily requirements are uncertain, b. There may be QC problems with compounds from unvetted labs, c. You do not need to take a particular vitamin or mineral if there is no deficiency in your system, d. Some vitamins and minerals are provided in the food we eat. Only a lab or obvious symptoms from a vitamin deficit (historical example: "scurvy" among sailors) can indicate whether you need augmentation or not.
There are oil soluble vitamins that can be toxic if they build up in your fatty tissue, and then there are water-soluble vitamins you just wee out. It's all a simple Google search to see what medical webs suggest is your normal daily dose of what every vit., mineral, etc. is normal for your bodies' intake, many websites are snake oil salespeople trying to make money, and some are a stupid influencer who are not an MD, trying to get likes an subscribe, or some are just a bad MD, who may suggest excessive doses unnecessarily. We have to be our own best advocate and make smart choices.