my depression and stress is starting to manifest physically. It started with my eye twitching and now I can barely get out of bed. I feel exhausted, weak (feels like weights are on me), sleeping too much, fluctuating appetite……I don’t want to get worse and I’m feeling off. Any advice would help. P.S I have a therapist, currently medicated (my dosage is increasing tomorrow), and I haven’t isolated myself.
Seeking Advice : my depression and... - Anxiety and Depre...
Seeking Advice

It's great you are not isolating yourself!! My PCP encouraged me to exercise and get out in the sun. Also, my hypnotherapist because they say it is natural serotine. All other avenues I have tried are not working. My hypnotherapist is helping but today I had a session with my psychiatrist and told her how sick I got on the new medication just tried it one day and it was horrible!!! She suggested cutting it in 1/2 and trying it at night and I told her I was too scared to try it again. On going battle and she even said today she doesn't know how to help me feel happy. So I am going to exercise no side effects with that. Hope this will help and perhaps help you as well. My local library offers free exercise classes, Chair Yoga, Ageless grace. Tai Chi
I don’t really know what exactly you’re asking prinkprincess.
Eye twitch, trouble getting out of bed, exhaustion, weak, weighted, sleeping too much, inconsistent appetite, all making you feel off and that these are physical extensions of your stress and depression.
You mentioned a therapist and you have a prescriber, but didn’t mention what type… do you have a general practitioner? if so when was the last time you had lab work done, e.g. blood tests. I suggest you stay current on blood work. urinalysis. physical exams. vitals checked. The results will provide useful data. meanwhile, commit to going to bed and getting up at the same time, stay out of bed daily, drink lots of water. eat smart. walk for 20 minutes or do jumping jax something mild. fresh air even if it’s 5 minutes. These are all things related battling stress and depression.
Eye twitching yes normal for anxiety yes hard to get out of bed anxiety nothing to be concerned about work with your therapist like you're doing when your anxiety lifts these symptoms will slowly disappear... except for what it is only anxiety not letting it matter is the key not always easy but taking this approach will go a long way.Cheers
Thanks for the advise. I recently went to the doctor and assume this isn’t a physical situation. I have diabetes but I’ve been controlling it with diet and medication. I checked my blood sugar today and it’s normal (92). I just trying to see if anyone else experienced a similar situation and could advise on what I could do.
I agree with litethatnevergoesout. You should be checked by a medical doctor to make sure that there is no underlying problem. It is not good to assume that everything is due to psychological problems without first checking that there is no disease or physical issue involved.
If it gets really bad check in to a mental hospital. There is no shame in seeking help.Take care.
Good for you for seeking help. Perhaps give the medication a chance to work. And mention the twitching to your doctor, in case it’s something else. Also, try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) if you haven’t. It can help as much as, and along with, the medication. It really helped me. Best wishes for your recovery and/or at least improving.
Hang in there. Sorry you’re going through that. Hope it passes soon. Try to do mini to do lists and get yourself up to do those things little by little. Small steps and pluses. Lifting you in prayer.
Thanks for the advice. I did tell her how I feel in our appointment last week and I just started my higher dosage of Zoloft today. I’m making baby steps to get back on track and take care of myself again. I’m just getting use to the idea that I can’t be “fixed” and this is a journey has low points that I have to get through.
I use natural meds when I get like that. I try different ones. I force myself out of bed and do normal routine. I also found that doing something silly helps.
UPDATE! I’m finally back in the gym . Thanks again for all of the encouragement and advice.