5 years ago today my wonderful partner departed this earth and in those years since i have never adjusted to being alone and it's affected me deeply, and even my health has been in a downward spiral ever since, and non more so than the past few days.
Since two days ago i have been plagued with unrelenting pains in my stomach ,so bad that last night I couldn't sleep a wink. I have taken Ibru fin, Co-codanol, Gaviscon, Ferogloban ,and now a friend has been out and bought me Milk of Magnesia hoping it will relieve the pain. I will ty anything.
The other thing I've noticed i've had terrible constipation, and have taken laxatives, something i don't normally need, and when i did go it was like concrete and it was almost impossible to flush without breaking it up.🥵 ( unpleasant to say the least)
So any advice to alleviate the pain would be most welcome.😒