Hey Everyone,
I'm new to the site. Although I've never been professionally diagnosed with anxiety, depression, anxiety/ panic attacks, I'm almost positive I struggle with these based on the symptoms I've seen online. I think I've always had this uneasiness feeling in my chest stemming from childhood but I never knew what to call it so I always thought it was a feeling of me just being nervous and it'll go away...until it comes back later down the road. However, I think the issues got worse after my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2013 and I was going through a really tough breakup, while being unemployed for about a year after graduating from Grad school. I remember getting feelings like I was about to get a heart attack, like a REALLY uncomfortable feeling in my chest and never really knew what it was- I didnt think much of it then and didnt bother to research the symptoms and I hadnt gone to see the Doctor much. Anyway, fast forward to 2018 and I've been unable to be romantically involved with anyone and stayed at a job that I didn't enjoy and I think I've been suffering from chronic depression since 2013 and never was aware of it. Is this possible to be depressed for so long and never have been aware? What sparked me to become more in touch with how I feel was when I just broke up with my girlfriend a few months ago and forced me to really looked inward at why I wasn't truly happy when I should have been. Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know I don't want to play the victim any longer and am making every effort to combat this bc I can't let it to continue running my life- I am seeing a psychologist tomorrow to see if he'll be able to help me. Thanks for reading.