I like being alone, but I also don't. I don't want to be alone forever 😢. I feel like I always just end up in nothing but toxic relationships. I know it's not my fault, but sometimes I just can't help but to think maybe I'm the problem?? I have so much anxiety going into them long term. I give all my trust and my all in the beginning. And usually end up getting shit on and cheated on. Then I try to give em a chance, a few times I did to see if maybe they would change. Then I couldn't help but to question them alot and not trust at all. I feel that aspect made me toxic and made the relationships fail. But it's also not my fault, they decided to cheat. I did nothing wrong to deserve it at all. There's no way someone my age should feel so alone 😭. No friends locally, the onez who ditched me. And just my family isn't really worth a shit. I feel like I truly have nobody
In my head this afternoon 🫤💔 - Anxiety and Depre...
In my head this afternoon 🫤💔
For all it’s worth, you have us here.
Thank you. I've just never felt so alone like I have recently
It means a lot knowing someone cares
I can relate so heavy to your experience. Its hard for me to trust people. Which interferes when I try to make friends. I also am quick to believe that I am the problem. You're not alone sis <3
It means a lot knowing I'm not crazy ! It makes me feel like I'm such a problem. I've lost so many friends and relationships due to them cheating. Tried giving them the benefit of the doubt, and was hurt again. Idk why I'm so forgiving. I believe in second chances. And I suck at letting go. I get so dependent in relationships and i wish I didn't

You're not crazy! Our minds are wired to work a certain way and we just have to do our best to work with them
It feels like a never ending battle 😔

I know it does. And it just feels so overwhelming and exhausting at times.
That it does
hey Ashley...I sometimes say I would like to be left alone but not feel lonely. You have a lot in your head and sometimes other people are more noise than help. I get how you feel. Especially when things are calm, I get lonely. Coming on here and writing I think helps. It helped me a lot this past year.
It's also helped me a lot. When I'm down and really need to get stuff off my chest, I come here and some wonderful people have helped me not feel so alone. This site is a blessing

I think a lot of us come here for peace. We get that by writing things down which get out of our system. Also, there is a freedom about writing here. Because we are somewhat anonymous we can be ourselves in a way.
so sorry ur dealing with this. But ur not alone, it happens. And it’s not you. People tend to be assy. Especially in certain age groups. Sometimes they’re extra. But just try to focus on you and things that make you feel good. Know that good friends and even partners will come. The more you believe in yourself and carry yourself with respect and expectations that fit your values. Don’t bend for anyone that doesn’t treat you right. (Hug)
My Apologies that you feel this way and are experiencing the liw vibration humans. Give people a chance, lay back and they will show you who they are, unfortunately. The best side is You have a choice, some time you have to use people for what you need, that's a Hard Truth but true nonetheless. Focus on your blessing of choice you get everyday when you wake, and lay back on giving so much when u get into it with someone, let them show you what their goals are and state yours, but an ultimatum but be upfront. Hope that helps, cheers.
Thank you for your insight on things. I know sometimes unfortunately all I can do is give them a chance and risk it. And sometimes all ppl do is use you tol they get what they want

Hi and yes ma'am your correct, unfortunately that is the yin and yang of how we perpetuate life, it's universal law, animals know this instinctively. As humans we know better but ego and desire sin out frequently. Protect your heart and spirit but know that it's going to get injured a Lil bit. I say expectation is the relationship tester, because first we don't have to respond to what anyone expects of us but 2nd we have to give in to reasonable expectations on order to effect relations. Trust is a hard point for most but we must also do that to have any chance at relationships. It's no one job to make us happy, that's Your job, but people can sue muck that up too. Well I like you so I guess that's a plus🤣, stay positive young queen YOU will make it better, don't let anyone steal your JOY. cheers
I have some of the same feelings.and have had some pretty shitty relationships too. When I reflect back one thing that is a common theme, I wish I didn’t stay as long, I wish I would said more, and stood up for myself more! .
My personal advice from my own life lessons, never stay where you are not respected, stand up for your self, you are worth being treated well, and finally being alone is way better than accepting someone who doesn’t treat you right, or tolerating BS,
Trust me you are worth it! Treat others the way you want to be treated and when you are not you have to clearly state it, don’t beat around the bush, be straightforward , if they still don’t respond, LEAVE!
I wish it was so easy to leave. I get attached and dependant on them. It's always on THEIR time or they never hear me out. Just what they want and that they're always right to them. Never worked on anything after almost 2 years, I constantly work on things and try to change things but nothing ever works ! It's so aggravating and just I can't see myself alone again. I love and care for them, but I can't keep this up anymore ya know 😢

I know. It absolutely is not easy.
Do you have a social circle with other caring and supportive friends or family? Please try to do your best to connect with other aside from this individual. The very last thing you want is to be solely reliant on any one person. Always have multiple outlets and share with feelings and experiences with them. Message me anytime if you have questions or need advice.
I lost most my bonds with friends bc of him. I have one friend tho she'll still listen and talk to me. And thank you I appreciate it
I too suffer w being around people. I have badvbipolar depression and suffer w social anxiety.i hope you can find some peace w your anxiety...happy safe holidays my least favorite time year.dont need the added stress n anxiety
Sorry you feel that way. Don't ever settle though. You deserve the best. Set your standards and goals and Don't over compromise. Hang in there
That paragraph you wrote sounded just like me. I almost could have sworn it was me writing it. I also have always found toxic relationships. I was married but left him because he verbally abused me. I also knew it wasn't my fault but at points I started to wonder if I did something wrong. Even my first boyfriends way back in high school were bad relationships and I am 41 so that was a long time ago. I had an ex boyfriend cheat on me too. Alex, my ex husband, was the biggest jerk I ever met. He treated me like crap. I should never have married him. I don't trust men in my relationships either. I can't even seem to trust friends either because of being mistreated by them too. The difference is, my parents are actually great. I love them very much. I just wish and pray I could meet better friends.
I'm sorry you went through all that. I've had nothing but mostly bad ones and all have cheated. My current partner Is just... something. He never listens and when I try to communicate I'm arguing and just a "whore" or I'm just insecure. It's horrible. I try and try to work on things bc I actually care for him, but I'm tired of putting in all the work to receive hardly any of the same energy back