Hey! I have anxiety and depression. I’m quite an introverted person and I literally have zero friends. Most of the time I’m okay with this but lately I feel really lonely! I can’t join clubs or go socialising because of anxiety but I’m a carer too so just don’t have the time! Has anyone been or is in this situation? Anything helped?! X
Lonely: Hey! I have anxiety and... - Anxiety and Depre...

I am in the spiral now
No friends
Thx to my anxiety that following me every where
I do now step by step
I try the talk to my therapist
And doc
But it's not easy
Because this Damm anxiety is strong
And I taken a little pieces of Xanax
But still it is not enough
Anxiety is something difficult
Very difficult
I don't know if you have meds the help you bit ?
But it's important
Talking seeking support
And therapist
Morning Katnessx, yes I've had anxiety for years now and find it difficult to get anything done on some days, I've found the more you do nothing about it the deeper it creeps in and that is really limits your confidence and self esteem. The way I deal with it is to force myself out, I joined a gym paid a month's membership and only went 4 times! But it really gave me a buzz its amazing what exercise can do for you, you'll generally find people who go to the gym are feeling that same buzz so are more likely to to say a hello here and there start a conversation with you just about anything, I've always found this makes me feel better about myself and my mental health seems a lot better the first steps are the hardest, exercise is great for depression and making new aquaintences can soon become friends, don't just dive in though unless you feel confident in the situation. Occupying your mind as I'm sure you already know will really help beat the anxiety and ultimately the depression.... It doesn't have to be a gym you could start by just jogging, or even walking... If you're ever in doubt speak to your doctor, it's great that you're a carer and I'm sure you find it good to help whoever it is you help but you, in my opinion you have to take time out from time to time hard to care for others but it's even harder when you're not finding the time to care for yourself!
Hey that’s a good idea I did join a gym and I did feel good going but my anxiety got the better of me and I stopped going, because I am overweight I think people stare/judge I know it’s stupid as everyone’s busy doing there own thing but I just couldn’t reason with myself! I might rejoin when I feel a bit better, and I will definitely exercise outdoors more - it’s just finding the energy to do it but I know I feel better afterwards for it x
Hey I've just went back to the gym and paid my membership again, I weighed myself and was shocked how much weight I've put on! I need to get stuck in again, after quite a while of not really doing anything...
Tbh with you I've found people respect people when they're overweight at the gym,ainly because YOU'RE AT THE GYM.... Doing something about it! 💪🏻💯 And like you said people are busy doing their own thing... Everyone goes for a reason, I feel personally that I get into the zone, on days I don't feel like g oing because of my anxiety I'm just going to force myself there, once I've got through the door all I have to do is pick up my plan and start hour n half later, I feel great! I know I've achieved a lot, my body and mind is in a better place the trick is, in my opinion to stick to it keep going!
I totally understand what you say about low energy I was feeling that way but I got some vitamins, and a food supplement type thing called moringa, really has made a difference... Google it...? Great talking and keep smiling, remember you can if you think you can...
Hi Katnessx, I know exactly how you’re feeling. I too have also just started but this is going to be an amazing journey for us! Cameron
If you are introverted, maybe it would be easier for you to make friends if you tried dealing with just one person at a time. I know I do better with one person at a time, rather than a big group.
Or if you have an activity you enjoy, like knitting or some sport, maybe join a group that does that activity. That way, when a conversation gets awkward, you can pick up your activity and do that for a while; and it will also give you a topic of conversation.
Hello and welcome, Katnessx! Loneliness can be a hard thing to weather sometimes, I know. I think the advice from Kat63 was spot on -- what sorts of things do you find most fulfilling and/or pleasurable?
I totally understand; I myself don't have any friends. This is one reason why I have depression. It's a bummer knowing I miss out on a lot simply because I don't have anyone to do social things with. I get by, but would be nice to hangout with people. Not just hangout, but actually know they want to hangout with me too, not because they just feel bad for me or I was their last resort.
Hi there, i find myself in a similar situation, the products i find most helpful are swanson mangosteen and 5htp, capsules with Moringa and Astragalus capsules, research these products and get these affordable products especially the mangosteen and Moringa.