Share what you love about yourself without anyone else attached. You are an are a blessing.
While dealing with disabilities or il... - Anxiety and Depre...
While dealing with disabilities or illness pls share a wonderful thing you love about yourself. it helps realize there is a YOU!

Nice post.
personality trait? My determination
Physical trait? My hair hahaha
As a dolphin? My flippers
What about you?
I like the fact that you're a Dolphin also... People friendly for sure xx
Dolphin14, i think it a blessing to feel that almost every person ive met i feel like ive known them. i cant swim but would hold onto a flapper(?) with the right water food shelter love Dolphins are angels with wings that heal underwater.ty
Well I will swim by and pick you up 🐬
Would love to hear your thoughts on you
Dolphin14 I have lost myself in the sea...finding myself again...i love deeply so the as a dolphin understands i watch by the minute for nets. because the hurts are as deep as the love. starting to notice good again. poetry song giving back where i can. On the best of days, i am a feather on a bird...flying with and seeing the world and also insulating at the same time. Children are honest special wonderful as the creation of all life on this planet. i respect that but also the choices people must make in their own lives. i love being a Pro clown sharing a smile a joke or just a nod. health has halted that for now. This body will go but the soul is forever....hope.Thank you for the ride Dolphin*
im a very giving person even when people don’t deserve it. (Big heart)
I love that I'm funny and that I've got the body for dance moves
I love words. Beautiful stories, poetry. A limerick that plays games with our language. It's who I am, and I like that part of me.