What do you do when you feel that no ... - Anxiety and Depre...

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What do you do when you feel that no one wants you?

Orangeblossom85 profile image
32 Replies

What do you do when you feel not wanted?

What do you do to cope the feeling of being send away? Of being ostracized?

How do you survive with the thought that no one loves you, no one did and no one will?

What do you do when you meet someone that gives you this sensation of wanting to connect forever.. but you to them is merely nothing?

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Orangeblossom85 profile image
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32 Replies

I just turn on the tv and wait for those feelings to leave. I basically distract myself. Sometimes tv. Sometimes with a hobby.

Orangeblossom85 profile image
Orangeblossom85 in reply to

And do you really believe that no one wants you?

in reply to Orangeblossom85

Yes. I have come to accept it. Even embrace it. Not everyone is lucky to have family and friends.

Orangeblossom85 profile image
Orangeblossom85 in reply to

I can’t agree, can’t accept

in reply to Orangeblossom85

I wouldn’t expect you too. I was only sharing how I cope with those feelings. I hope you conquer them.

Orangeblossom85 profile image
Orangeblossom85 in reply to

Oh Here, I am so so so sorry for you that you feel this way. I can understand your feelings because they haunt me no different. However I can make myself believe that I’m right, I cannot accept the same about you. I think that we don’t see how much we are loved. Each day. And I believe that there is a lot of people that want to connect with us, we just don’t give them chance. It’s a very stereotypical talk, but the same time I feel, that we do get the chance. I’m constantly battling this awful thoughts that there is no one.

Is it that you gave up?

in reply to Orangeblossom85

No I didn’t give up. You get to a certain age where those parts of life change and are no longer as important. It’s just priorities.

Orangeblossom85 profile image
Orangeblossom85 in reply to


Orangeblossom85 profile image
Orangeblossom85 in reply to Orangeblossom85

Thank you very much for sharing, its very important to me to know that every point of view can be valid and valuable. thank you!

PapillonLove profile image
PapillonLove in reply to

I can relate to each of your writings. Exhaustion from little sleep leaves me with a huge lack of tolerance for everyone & everything. Each day is getting more & more difficult, as I suck it in more. Family......Friends......WHAT are those?? It seems I'm almost always the one doing the reaching out, ASKING them how THEY are, etc. Good for you, Good job!!! I honestly wish I could "Embrace it, & Accept it", but I think my "PAIN" BOX, has had so much shoved into it, and now is ALL FILLED UP, and the Lid Has Come OFF! So much has been forced in there, it's been splitting at the seams for a long time! I, too, feel like almost everyone is going against me. I'm very friendly, smile at people, and talk with them.......THEN as I'm walking away, I beat myself up for doing that! Even in a text from one person, she just goes on & on about herself. She knows how I'm feeling, what I'm dealing with (although she doesn't really understand). She knows I'm home alone, feeling too poorly to do much else, and that I have no family to speak of. Yet, she texts me telling me WHAT FUN she is having doing this & that, etc., even sending me photos. I guess she means well, and perhaps she's trying to take my mind off of my inner/outer pain. BUT, it has the opposite affect.....I have Abandonment Issues, Trust Issues, Codependency Issues. Now my Anxiety & Frustration has become ANGER that I've turned INWARD. I don't hurt others; I just hurt myself. Thank you for letting me share all that. Please help me here........I'm feeling so very desperate.

in reply to PapillonLove

I have reached a point in my life where I am just going with the flow now. I don’t actively look for friends or engage my family. I found great empowerment in letting go of those areas of my life. It’s just the way life is for some people. They wind up alone.

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to

I came across a man with your attitude last year...just months ago. It amazed me that someone could feel that friends and loved ones could be dismissed out of the picture of life at the age of 57 yrs! What...? to make a longer story short, we are now engaged and he's learning a new way to think...but still learning...!

Orangeblossom85 profile image
Orangeblossom85 in reply to PapillonLove

Papillon! From what I see here - you are fed up, pissed and exhausted!

I think there is an important change growing in you. Change of liberating yourself from other people’s wishes and needs. Break free! Get exactly to the place where you can feel safe and open. Get to the place wheee you can express your own feelings, needs, where you can say what you think with no fear of being judged or “ostracized”.

I actually believe that if we can stand people with their flaws, with their strange behaviors, with their controversial opinions and so many of insecurities, they may as well cope with ours. I believe that we can be liked. We can be part of community. We can surely have friends and family. And we are definitely worth of love!

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to Orangeblossom85


Emel1 profile image
Emel1 in reply to PapillonLove

Hi, have just read your post, this is exactly how my life has been, like you have never learnt how to deal with the hurt or accept it. Life gets so lonely sometimes and I start to wonder what is so wrong with me when I appear to be invisible to the people I care most for. I don't have the answer to make things better but I do understand completely how you feel.

Michael8072 profile image

I agree with Alan. I don't have a ton of friends but I feel like everyone here is a friend in my life. Someone's always here to talk to or share with. That's what I believe.

I hope you find a way to conquer those thoughts like here I am said.

Orangeblossom85 profile image
Orangeblossom85 in reply to Michael8072

I am of those that find this forum a life saver indeed! I cannot express how much it has already changed in me. I wish the world outside would be also so caring.

I am sorry for sounding cheap but I love people in here. With great and true love. They are my friends and my family. Anytime i feel sad, I can come here and share everything that is just boiling inside me. I can also help others. I can care. I can participate.

Thank you!

Michael8072 profile image
Michael8072 in reply to Orangeblossom85

Thank you! I wish the world outside would be caring as well. So much hate it makes me sad. Feel the same way lots of great helpful wonderful people here.

I've felt like this so many times throughout my life. It's apart of what goes through my mind when I have a meltdown, but I know that my thoughts are wrong. That isn't reality. There are people that love me. It's a really dark place to be in.

Orangeblossom85 profile image
Orangeblossom85 in reply to


Orangeblossom85 profile image
Orangeblossom85 in reply to

It’s the darkest place for me actually!

ScottieStyles profile image

Hiya Orange blossom, i hope your ok today, Im coping and struggling all at the same time, Meditation is helping me, just a wie bit, however I still have very low days , but I know somewhere in the future things will be brilliant again

Agora1 profile image

Idramjet, know that "we care" :) xx

i become so afraid of people that i dont even feel comfortable joining this forum because im not wanted

i isolate myself more and more until I have no one because i know im not wanted

i don't even tell the very few people left how much pain I am in because then they will also leave

i am so fearful i can hardly even talk to a therapist because the reality is they could care less its just a job

Like_a_Lotus profile image
Like_a_Lotus in reply to

I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I tend to isolate myself, too. It’s not a good place to be in and so hard to get the motivation to get out.

in reply to Like_a_Lotus

i used to love getting out. would do anything to get out

Like_a_Lotus profile image
Like_a_Lotus in reply to

I feel the same way. That’s the hardest part for me, figuring out The Who, what, why and how’s that got me like this. I have hope that one day we will all get to through this and get back to life again 🤞🏻

FightorFlight11 profile image

I know how you feel and have felt like that since I have been a teenager. I have dependency issues in romantic relationships and no self-esteem or confidence when I am in one. I am always struggling with "waiting for the other shoe to drop" and for my partner to leave. It is very, very tough dealing with this everyday.

sana__leo profile image

Never underestimate urself. No one is worthless in this world. Always be positive.

That's your history that probably started in early childhood. May I suggest reading Janet Woititz's book "Adult Children of Alcoholics" the alcohol doesn't need to be prevalent. IT'S THE BEHAVIOR.

Hells18 profile image

I tend to shop or cuddle my animals in which I have a lot fed up of crying and feeling lost and alone

Zeda profile image

I'm totally unwanted. I'm so different,see things differently. It's not my looks. I can want to connect with someone else and from them I'll get the ' we'll see ya around sometime'. I was ok with this for a very long time. Now I'm so lonely I can't stand myself.

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