I’m currently on 1.5 mg of Xanax total daily. I was wondering if i can vape weed while on Xanax. Or if anyone here has done it. And what was the effect? I just developed globus sensation from the big piece of apple i swallowed. It scraped the esophagus, my provider surmised, leaving me feeling like it’s still stuck in there (but really it isn’t anymore).
I’ve read weed with Xanax isn’t dangerous in low doses. But i’m unsure what “low dose” means? My anxiety is through the roof. Xanax with seroquel (to supplement it) just isn’t enough anymore. And i don’t want to take more Xanax. I’m anxious every waking hour, having trouble sleeping. suicidal ideation on overdrive. I’m climbing the walls. I want emotional relief. What do i tell myself to make this situation more bearable? Thanks, guys