Hi guys I have struggled with severe anxiety and depression almost my whole life. Just recently I smoked weed and had a very very bad trip and now my derealization is the worst its ever been. I feel like I can’t get a grip and I’m constantly anxious and panicking. Any similar experiences or tips? Plz help
Weed induced Derealization - Anxiety and Depre...
Weed induced Derealization

I experienced the same thing it was horrendous. Get help from your Dr. That's what I did.
Same experience here Blue. I had to quit smoking weed. After a few weeks I’m starting to feel better now but I still feel like I’m not inside my body sometimes. I does get better with time.
I’ve started taking CBD oil and it’s helping me relax and keep calm. It’s no miracle but it does take the edge off and not get that high feeling.
You aren’t alone and you will get better I promise. Seeking help from a doctor or therapist could also be very helpful.
I had a bad experience with it also. I recently started the CBD oil also! 🤞🏻 I have heard good things from a lot of people so hopefully it will help. Hoping you find some relief from you anxiety!
HI Blue1764,
Feelings of derealization are very common with anxiety. Your nervous system is sensitized right now. This is not harmful, and again, it's common. Please take a look at my profile for my favorite resources. All of these resources touch upon depersonalization/derealization. The amazing Dr. Claire Weekes calls it "feelings of unreality", and other authors call it DP/DR. Take a look at Swamy G's website (A coach called life)- his stuff is great. Also do you know Logic/listen to his music? That guy has been there. Listen to his songs (Anziety) and interviews. He has such a positive message in his interviews. According to his most recent interview, even though he still has days of feeling off, he's better, and he's just ignoring his derealization when it shows up and just moving forward with life. That's the key. Just accept, accept- accept that it's there but it's harmless, accept that it feels weird, accept that it may stick around for a day, a week, a month, a year, who knows. Just move on with life and slowly you'll start to feel better
i tried it on and off because it was offered it did not give a single good experience and one or 2rather dodgy hallucinations/feelings unreality, so i never sought it out, it sounds bad i suppose but you are better off with a drink,bearing in mind it is addictive.,tried vaping? i am incredibly low at present.....its a little help to come on here....god bless
If you have weeds, it's not a weed problem as much as it's a soil problem weed-recycler.com/texas-wee.... That soil looks compacted, which is perfect for growing weeds. You're growing turf out there like any crop and it needs healthy soil to be strong so it can crowd out the weeds. If you don't fix the soil quality you will constantly be working harder than you need to. Might need a soil test to determine what's missing but I usually core aerate, overseed, and topdress with a good compost in September, and add lime in November. I mulch mow, cutting at 2-3 inches, and pull weeds by hand getting the entire root out through the season. I don't use toxic chemicals on my lawn because it's not good for the environment, plus I love my kids and animals!