This is the 3rd post that I am writing about the situation but I still don’t understand one thing.
Context: In may me and my first ever boyfriend (we met pretty late) decided that we won’t be happy if we continue the relationship. So we broke up. I was ok with this, because I was thinking about a breakup because of his bad behaviour. I grieved a lot thought. Anyways, he really wanted to stay friends and I wanted it too. But he moved on on the 5th day after the breakup, then one month later stated to ignore me… We saw each other 10 days ago to say goodbye, because I am moving abroad for my studies and he was acting like he was still my boyfriend! Hugs, kisses on the chick… it was strange for me. And then, a few days after, he didn’t even wish me luck when the moving process stared. He knows so well how afraid I was and still am, but didn’t say anything. He didn’t text me at all. It’s like I no longer exist after this goodbye.
A lot of people told me that he has made it clear that he doesn’t want me in his life and wants to move on. But I don’t understand why he would want to be friends then? I know him, he won’t do it just to not hurt me. And why was he so nice 10 days ago just to erase me from his life right after? Why??
I know that searching for answers isn’t the right thing to do and I just have to let go. But he made me finally see that I am worthy of being loved. I gave so much for this relationship, I broke myself so many times just to make things work and in the end that’s what I get? Moving on in 5 days, not a single tear, him saying “I am tiered of loving you”, ignorance and then attention when he is “in the mood”?? This makes me feel like I am nothing to anyone, like I have only me myself and I and nobody will love me, no body will like me, even when I love somebody with all my heart and he loves me back, the second he gets bored or it gets hard he will leave me!
Why is it like this? Why?