i always have a feeling I know everything, i know what people are doing and thinking and that something is always wrong or something bad will happen it’s a dark cloud that I’ve been trying my hardest to blow away. But the more I try the thoughts over flow and I start saying these things out loud in conversations and it causes problems and I start to feel bad and question what is wrong with me. I try to think positive but it just ends up with me feeling numb to the situation which leads me to be coming more depressed
How to stop the Self mind games - Anxiety and Depre...
How to stop the Self mind games

You saying the thoughts out loud may be your way of ruminating on the upsetting thoughts.
If it feels weird saying it out loud just know it's a thought, if it gives you anxiety then you know it's really not you
I took out the parts about O.C.D. the saying stuff out loud parts still stand

This definitely helps me look at things differently. Thank you
Hope today is going well, bit of a weird one here for me. It's difficult when words get stuck. Your reply actually cheered me up a bit. Thank you!

I’m having one of those days too I’m currently trying to turn it around and I hope you can do ❤️ I’m glad I could cheer you up 🥺
Doom and gloom...been there.
I feel that is more anxiety. These intrusive thoughts like "people hate me" or "I know they don't like me" the harder you try to push those thoughts away, they come back with the vengeance! It's like trying to keep a beach ball underwater but as soon as you let go...it pops right back to the surface.
May I recommend a little books to you that has helped me out with anxiety and depression. It's called Hope and Help for your Nerves by Dr Claire Weekes and then there's Unf*ck Your Brain: Using science to get over anxiety, depression, freak outs and triggers by Faith G Harper
cognitive delusion, across the board starting with thinking you know everything.
Look at the cognitive behavior therapy dynamic as well as the cognitive distortions dynamic...have had this struggle for a very long time...
I’ll definitely do my research to better help understand and get proper help. I hope you’re doing well ❤️
So far so good. Emt school is going well....prison is going as well...just wish I had a little more time
try to enjoy the little things as well ❤️ time is passing by but you can’t forget to pause and enjoy the good.
I am...just need to take the time to do them....this is my passion right now...it's called fluid art...it's easy and less time consuming then actually painting a full painting.....just get tired
I love this I recently started painting as well as a hobby because I felt as I didn’t have any and needed some it’s been a great outlet