I'm sitting downstairs with the staff members and the residents that walk by. It's hard but seems manageable. I'm not as fearful as I normally am. I still am hyper vigilant a medium amount, but it doesn't feel as unbearable as it was the other day. slow progress, but progress indeed. I'll continue to sit downstairs until it seems to not be a problem at all.
Sitting downstairs (not so bad) - Anxiety and Depre...
Sitting downstairs (not so bad)

excellent news Eric!
yeah, you think people are paying me any attention? or are they lost in their own world?
I would think they notice you there but they aren’t aware of your hyper vigilance. they cannot feel what you’re feeling unless you were to stop them and explain it and show them what exactly your mannerisms are while hyper vigilant.
so they can't tell by my body movements that i'm hyper vigilant?
I don’t think so. if anyone were to notice your body movements they wouldn’t have anything to connect it with, they do not know the hyper vigilance and any connection to your movement.
so if im moving in accordance to someone else, they can't connect my movements to their own because I could be moving for all sorts of reasons?
That’s right. innumerable reasons.
thats why they dont try and see it or dont care about it?
I go to a place and there’s many different people with specific behaviors, like for instance one fellow rocks back and forth whenever he is sitting down. I think nothing of it when I see him, I imagine there’s a reason for it but I say to myself that’s just him. it’s who he is. your hyper vigilance is way more discrete it would take someone to study you to even begin to notice anything.
you can be at as much ease as you possibly can to work on the hyper vigilant nature and character you have without giving yourself away its due to others and your hyper vigilance noticing them. silently keep working and being at ease you can go at your pace and be comfortable no one will be suspicious of it.
There you go! A little bit at a time really does go a long way 😊
yeah hopefully with time i wouldn't continue to exhale like i do. i exhale forcefully because of my anxiety
I rock back and forth while sitting and do hand and fingers movements because of my autism and my adhd makes me pace up and down and do it continuously for some time this is the adhd that does this and I get really distracted and my concentration and attention is not great either. I talk fast and fast when this happens which is my adhd playing a big part of my life.
Good to hear Eric. They are all minding their business so don't worry about them watching you.
If I'm next to someone and my movement really seems to compliment someone else's movements, nobody can tell I'm thinking about them (through my movements)
They don't notice you Eric
Eric, my heart is joyful, my belief in you is strong xx