I just want to know how other people with the emotional turmoil that ensues when people let you down. I take it all so personally and cannot cope. I spiral every time .
How do you handle your emotions when ... - Anxiety and Depre...
How do you handle your emotions when people let you down?

i tend to shut myself away and have no contact with anyone, i know its not good for me but its what i do.
It can be a good thing can having time on your own every so often!
This past week I have had times myself where I have felt upset and angry after that job at the care home didn't work out as I was disappointed at the way it worked out but part of me feels its a good thing that I saw their true nature early when that woman who works nights shouted at me last Friday evening all because I was talking to the residents whilst listening to records with them and a bell had gone for upstairs and I supposedly was too slow in answering it and got shouted at which wasn't really warranted in my view!
I had gone and seen to the resident and then gone back downstairs and then got shouted at again and put down and I cut the woman off and told her I wasn't going to listen to her crud, got my things and walked out and went home crying and a neighbour was good to me saying that it was out of order to have shouted at me like that and I was right to have walked out!
Here's something that will make you laugh!
The other Friday I was working 8/8 and I had made myself a pasta salad which was wholemeal pasta, tuna, tomatoes and leftover veg to save it being thrown in the bin!
I had been told off for having put it in the fridge without labelling it which was childish and petty in my view and I told my neighbour this story and they had cried laughing and said that was pathetic and how it showed their lack of intelligence getting upset over stupid things like that and asked me was the salad smelly and I said it was pasta, tuna, tomatoes and leftover veg and laughed with them saying if that hadn't happened to me it would have been funny!
Today I have been to swimming and someone asked me was I working today and I said honestly no I'm not which is blunt but honest and then said about what had happened last Friday night and they laughed about the pasta salad thing as well and said it was petty!
Since that happened last Friday I have been going out as usual living my life with my head held high and so I should as I have done nothing wrong!
How are the dogs getting on?
I feel I was right to have been honest with the lady who asked me if I was working today saying no I wasn't and how I had left and why even though it wasn't the answer she had expected!
I feel when I am honest and tell the truth I don't have to remember anything what I said and who I said it to!
Gosh, that place sounded terrible, you are better away from there .I loathe ill-mannered lousy people.
Today here has been a nice peaceful day reading a book and listening to music and sorting out some job hunting activities for the week ahead for example going to a jobs fair in the city centre on Wednesday and having lunch out which is something to look forward to rather than sitting at home depressed!
Today it's been meals in using up stuff on hand which we have already got rather than a pub lunch out and it's not like we are missing out on anything not going out for Sunday lunch this week and having something different which was a chicken stir fry with noodles, leftover red cabbage and some frozen swede and raspberries and cream for afterwards which we enjoyed!
To be fair I'm glad that woman shouted at me early on and feel she did me a favour seeing what they are really like early on when I didn't know the residents very well say if I had been there for years and that had happened then that really really would have hurt a lot harder than what did happen!
I feel I did the right thing when I stormed out after that carry on and it didn't warrant being shouted at in my view!
With myself when a job didn't work out last week I was disappointed and have had times feeling upset and angry over it but decided I would carry on with life and my usual activities and carry on coming out with my head held high and so I should as I did nothing wrong to be treated badly at that job!
I'm not letting them control my life when they're not physically present!
If you figure something out, let us know :/I take it personally, walk away without saying anything and have it weight on my mind for days... if it's something negative, I start having constant angry racing thoughts and get very pissy and/or standoffish :\
definitely not healthy
We're human, and we are going to get our feelings hurt, and it takes time to process. It depends on the situation of whether you can be honest with the person and tell them they hurt your feelings, and go from there. But sometimes, we don't understand the context and get hurt...it just happened to me....and talking it out helps sometimes. If your not getting anywhere with it...then we make choices.