Have had depression for many years. Now have anxiety attacks. Looking for any tips to reduce the frequency and severity of the attacks.
Anxiety and depression. How do you ha... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety and depression. How do you handle it?

So sorry to hear you suffer from these two things. They were both a part of my life for a very long time, so I understand how you feel.
With the help of a friend, I discovered I did not have to let them control my life. I sought out help from a doctor, a counselor, a friend, a pastor, my Bible, supplements, exercise, changes in diet and lifestyle, and my faith in God to help me. Combined, they delivered me from my tormenting thoughts, and I no longer feel bound by them.
Can I ask you how long you have suffered? Has it been forever, or something more recent? Finding out the root cause is paramount to finding out how to treat it.
Try doing some research and perhaps you will be able to start gathering some information that will lead you to some answers.
Depression since the birth of my oldest who is 8 and anxiety since October. I know my triggers are having to have discussions with my new boss (he is a horrible person) and doing new things by myself. I recently joined a committee at work to purposely get out of my comfort zone and meet new people. I've talked to my doctor. Changed medicine (which helped in the beginning), go to counseling, saw a nutritionist, and started going to the gym a couple days a week. But after all these positive changes it only seems to be getting worse
I by no means have any authority to access what is going on, but if much of this started after the birth of your child, it could be hormone related, which can be easily addressed by a "functional" doctor specializing in endocrinology - and NOT a regular conventional doctor at a hospital or clinic. There is a HUGE difference.
This kind of doctor will check your saliva, urine, blood, and stool to get a comprehensive look at all the systems in your body and determine where the blockage is that prevents your body from manufacturing serotonin, dopamine, and GABA all on its own.
That would my first step.
Secondly, about your boss - I used to collapse under the pressure of facing people like this, and in my case, it was due to the fact I did not have the confidence in myself I needed, so I spent a great deal of time focusing on my strengths, gifts, talents, and skills, and built up those areas of my life. It's very important to do that too.
You both may have conflicting personality types, which would easily explain the confrontations he brings to you. Some people have mastered the art of intimidating others because they know they can. He may detect your sensitivities and not care about them. You may never please him.
Diet and lifestyle are key for giving your body all the tools it needs to function at its peak performance. There are way too many foods on the shelves at stores that are dead foods, full of sugar, chemicals, toxins, carcinogens, preservatives, dyes, and additives that are all hormone disruptors.
And lastly, I never underestimated the power of God. There is a Bible verse that says we can be transformed by the renewing of the mind - and it is so true. It can be done.
I hope some of this helps.
Anxiety sometime is triggered by nothing, but other times it's by our environment or our own behavior. Diet is important as certain foods can trigger anxiety! Manage diet. Try medication if not yet. Once it is already happening, you can try "Grounding Techniques ". Focusing on simple pleasurable thoughts. Relaxing your muscles using "Progressive Muscle Relaxment " helps also! Take Care and Be Well!😁
There is always a root cause for anxiety to be triggered - it's just different ones for different people. There is a fragile mechanism God put in our nervous systems that is attached to brain function call the fight-or-flight response. It sends out an alert when something unsettling is happening, or when we perceive a threat could happen. It's our mental defense system at work. the goal is to determine what sets off this alarm inside the mind. There is always a reason.