It's hard for me to disagree with the points that my depression makes. It says that no one loves me, that checks out. I have no friends and I'm not close to any of my family. When I come to people for comfort or just help, they never do. They "try" but their idea of trying is saying something incredibly insensitive and hurtful. I've tried to rationalize it but it can never be spun into anything other than cruel.
My depression also says that seeking help is too difficult and it will cause more damage than healing. So far, that's also true. I've been seeking professional help since 2022 and have had back-to-back negative experiences. Every medication I've ever been put on has made me sick except for Lamictal which I haven't been able to continue since I was discharged from the hostpital and haven't been able to get a psychiatrist.
It's hard to find the motivation to do anything when my depression has evidence for feeling this way. I don't even come to any kind of negative conclusion about these things. I know I'm worthy of love, I know that someone could love me in the future but I don't think I'll ever make it to a healthy enough place to find them.