I was able to get in to see my therapist at 2:30 this afternoon which meant leaving work early, and was able to set up appointments for the next 4 weeks during the day. They are virtual appointments so I can just shut my door and take the hour off for sick time. I just told my boss that I'm having some mental health issues and I need to see my therapist more often for a while.
The appointment itself was interesting; he didn't seem all that concerned that I'm self-harming. I know they're trained to be calm and collected during appointments and not freak out, but it was kind of weird, especially when he didn't flinch when I stated that I spent a 2-hour drive cutting on Friday or that I was having urges at work today. He did agree that getting me in for the next several weeks rather than waiting for the May appointment that his office set up is probably a good idea though. I bought a journal after leaving there and I'm going to start journaling again; not sure why I stopped. I've taken my PRN twice today (which is supposed to be the limit).