Why there is so restlessness when someone from your past knock ? So here is what happened my old roommate is getting married. She called me over weekend with this good news. We have spend some good years in Europe working together. I'm happy for her but somewhere I felt hollow I feel like an intense urge to go and visit Europe again. And this is not the first time this happened now and then I often feel like I left a piece there and I have to go back. If it's was in my control I would go at this very moment. I wish to go and sit at the same bench where I use to often sit and watch greenery. This takes me down the memory lane some good some old break-up. I got very strange dream of my ex now today I'm feeling like that I want to speak to him. He was a nice person it's just he decided to part ways taking family priorities. I never regret my current partner or family or where I'm right now. But I don't know or sure how to express this feeling this heaviness that come and go with intense urge to just to talk to him once. We both are well settled in our families and I'm pretty sure that neither of us is looking for a u turn. But I cannot understand this feeling how I'm supposed to drift this away? Will it go away if I speak to him once as friends again I'm not sure if he want to we are not sharing any type of contact. Or writing here will just lighten me a little. I would really appreciate if u all can help me to understand these emotions. I'm not sad nor im happy but there is deep feeling or heaviness that I feel. It will go away in few days but I'm sure this will come back... Thanks for reading
Emotional Circles : Why there is so... - Anxiety and Depre...
Emotional Circles
Dear AAura, If I know anything it would be that "we can't go back home".
There was a reason you two met at the time you did. Going back to that
place would not be the same. You both moved on and have families to be
considered now.
When someone comes into our lives they may make a good or bad connection.
Once that time is over, it's over.
Dreaming and thinking about what once was will not be resolved with seeing
him or talking with him again. That's just my opinion. Think twice before following
your dreams. It just might open up a memory you would soon want to forget. xx
Hi AAura, I think that it is just reminscing and the nature of it. I guess I kind of avoid it as I can get caught in my regrets of not accomplishing more when I was younger. That is different than your situation, but I feel like it is akin in that the way through is to accept the past is the past. We can treasure memories and accept that what was has come and gone. Sorry this is rambling. I think that certain emotions and emotional states can be stirred up by places, events, etc. that can launch us into our old ways of thinking. I would recommend not communicating with any past exes, but that is a personal thing. I wish you peace in your processing.☮️