Hi all, I've had depression/anxiety/dissociation for over 30 years. I believe had there been groups such as this to relate, it wouldn't have been so bad. Nothing like being able to relate
Dissociation : Hi all, I've had... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hello and Welcome. This group is amazing. It is wonderful to talk to people who understand.
Hi Naturegirl60, I also have had depression for 30 years and it has been really bad the last year due to major life changes that my therapist said would push any normal person over the edge. I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up. I wake up with heart palpitations and anxiety now because I dread the day. The long lonely depressing boring day. Today I typed into google about depression support groups and found this group. It seems silly to be glad to find people suffering like me. It sounds kind of sick. I'm not happy you and others are suffering but I'm glad I'm not alone. Thank you for sharing.

Absolutely Barbloki as I don't wish it on anyone!! Wish we could wipe it away for good. I'm on vacation right now and it sure feels uncomfortable a lot of the time here. So much putting on the mask... I'm here but...I don't feel like I'm 'here.' 😕 Thank you for reaching out!
You are spot on 100%. I've been in this for close to 40yrs and have faced so much stigma (even now as we head to 2024). Having a group like this where I can talk with real people who go through this and understand. This is a kind space.
I certainly agree Car! If I've had a few wine, depending on whom I'm talking to, I'll share when they speak of their own mental issues. I don't believe I've heard anyone describe what we have though..
I can relate so much to what you said about not even being happy while on vacation and having to wear the mask of happiness. I feel like I wear that mask every single day and I hate it so much! I am absolutely miserable and it seems like nothing helps it go away.