Cat ,had what seemed to be a stroke this morning ,had to have her put down its the end of my world had been ill with stress and anxiety ------can someone relate don't have any kind of life and was hoping to get myself going places-need understanding support .
Has anyone felt its the end of the world - Anxiety and Depre...
Has anyone felt its the end of the world

Hugs... I am so sorry to hear about your cat. Losing a pet is difficult... suffering with stress, anxiety & depression is to. Give yourself time to grieve. The pain does ease & things will get better. ๐
Hello lorianxiety I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear pet . I can fully relate to how you must be feeling right now I went through the loss of two of my dogs which I had for 7and 10 years both with 11 days of each other I felt like my word have just fell apart I could breath the pain I my chest I couldn't believe how hurt and upset I was I felt like nothing will ever be right for me again since that day in December last year my deppresion has been on a downward slide I've been so anxious .. I do feel for you hope that you can find away to take one day at a time take care and try to be strong
Iโm so sorry for your loss. I know from experience what itโs like to lose a pet that way. Just let yourself have your feelings. Itโs OK if youโre not-OK right now.
Deepest Sympathy on the loss of your Precious Cat.
So sudden - you must be broken-hearted
It was heartbreaking to lose ours.
When the last cat died, I didn't go to bed because he used to get up with me in the morning, wait at the top of the stairs till I came out of the bathroom, then go down just ahead of me.
Couldn't bear the thought of getting up the first morning without him.
We never planned to have cats - they just seemed to come along ! The last one adopted us. He was a most beautiful cat.
Miss him dearly. We were so close. He was such a blessing. He died over 2 years ago now.
Our cats were our family.
You will be able to cope and move onward with your life - in time.
But you've had a terrible shock. Please give yourself time to grieve.
I think you will go places but take things slowly just now, one step at a time. ๐
God Bless
Thank you Mary,is so kind to share your most precious memories of your beloved cat .im still in shock im struggling to type but at least I know I can share with likeminded people and how important it is for me to stay sane if that's at all possible I can tell you I was so stressed and shoked couldn't get a vet its all too much to bear ,God Bless and I know the fisrt night is going to be worst and its my Raskeel she has left her body and gone to the animal kingdom.
Oh gosh thatโs a very very difficult thing to deal with.. Iโm so sorry x ๐

thankyou Hope 4321,my sadness is alsofor how I can gain strength to carry on.
I think the strength will come if you can allow yourself this grieving process. You'll need rest and conversations with friends, even if on the phone. Eat well, get your rest and be good to yourself this week. You may find glimmers of hope soon.
jaynla,yes,your right ,about rest and speaking to friends ,but I have none and that's why im finding it extremely difficult my heart ruled my head,when I took her on 4yearsago,but im at the latter sstage in life and feel utterly desolate,iI thank you for your positive response==now its up to me .
You need to let yourself grieve and look after yourself as though you would look after a good friend who is going through the same thing x then slowly you will heal x
My beautiful cat died a few months ago. I thought the world of her and she was my friend and my baby. I know exactly how you feel, animals seem to know exactly how we feel, like they have a sixth sense and give you unconditional love. Like with any loss time does help and you can tell yourself that you gave your cat a good life. He/she would not like to see you unhappy so take this opportunity of getting your life back on track and start going places where you wanted to go. I pray you will find the happiness you deserve x
hi Ward146,think I missed responding to your words of comfort and so sorry for your furbaby;what went wrong with her,mine had been unwell for some time over a year.before the actual stroke,its hard as im sure your aware of not having her physical presence here.and im a person that's influenced by weather as you get older it gets worse,but I do hope to spring into action and make the most of life.Hoping that you too in time will manage to get over this dreadful time....and that you too will get over your loss.
Hi just got your message. My lovely cat had kidney failure which happens a lot with older cats she was 16 but still looked a baby. I still miss her. I always find it difficult coping with loss as I am extremely sensitive and overfeel things, hence the anxiety I suppose. Take carex
hi Ward146,yes I believe it is quite common problem in older cats ,mine was around13 he wasn't always mine,but that cat called Tiger knew its time was up and actuall purred once when the sedative went into its worn out body,so it made me feel a whole lot course we miss them and you had yours for many years,and its even worse when anxiety/depression exist,.and it feels like the world is a cold an empty place.,but its when grief becomes unbearable-however we can overcome these horrible feelings and start to live again ;in my heart of hearts I know that the cat that I had put down because of a stroke ,it sort of was meant to be she was only 7yrs and I loved her so much and told her this over and over and sorry was another thing ---as I had felt trapped in a sense its hard to explain.I know that she is happier now and Im left to get on with my life which is quite shitty ,thankfully I believe in a life hereafter,hoping you are well and coping.
Hi I know how you feel coz I have lost 3 cats now. The last one was the only one I had to actually take to the vets to be put down and for the first 4/5 days I was distraught and felt like a 'cat murderer' and nothing could console me. Then the lovely messages people were giving me began to take hold and now I also have access to the happy memories too. This will happen with you too so meanwhile grieve for your beloved pet. You did the right and responsible thing as a caring owner as you couldn't see your pet in distress and pain could you? Animals don't view death the same way we humans do and to them it's a part of life.
Have you ever heard of the writing 'Rainbow Bridge'? It's a place our beloved pets go when they pass. They are made whole again and play having fun all day long. They wait there for you and when it's your turn to pass on they run to meet you and you spend eternity together in heaven. It's what I believe and it gives me hope. I will find it for you and put it on here if you wish. Take care. xxx
hello Hypercat,yes I don understand what you mean regarding the Rainbow bridge,though haven't read the poem ,would love it. .Im sorry for your loss and glad you have found peace in the knowledge of seeing your furry friends ,it must be hard too for you to have lost all 3 ,if it wasn't for my own understanding of Spirit world ,I don't think I would be here still and of course my precious cat -----yes ,we are reunited with our loved ones and our animals ,and so glad we have this forum,and hope that you are well โฆ..
It sure never gets any easier! Every time I say no more I realise I can't live without cats coz I love them with a passion. I have one now who is 5 and totally different from my previous cat who was a big soft purry furry ginger cat who was agoraphobic. What I have got instead is a little black and white male who loves the outside and it has taken him a long time to be affectionate. They all have their own separate little characters though and I love him just as much as the others. x
Thankyou so much ,so glad you have another cat that's what was intended for you perhaps I will ,but I need to try and get a life before its too late,love and peace.take care toox
Well I wasn't going to until a couple of months later when a friends cat had kittens and was giving them away for free. They were only 3 days old but it still felt disloyal taking it at 8 weeks. I missed having a cat so much.
It's never too late to get a life but you can have pets as well. x
It was definitely right for you and im so pleased that the opportunity arose ,whats its name.
I called him Breeze after a very dear online friend of mine who sadly passed around 5/6 years ago. I hope he knows wherever he is and I hope he is pleased. x
give Breeze a wee hug from me ,I seem to recall that story not so long sure you both ha ve a great time playing old.
Yes! I feel like it's the end of this world
Hey, I thought about you the other day, I was reading about doctors weaning patients off benzos and it said that if a patient has taken them for so long and they are in their elder years, it's not advised to take them off them, I can't remember where I read it, but I thought straight of you

I think I read that too somewhere,and with having to put my 7yrold cat down this morning im going to need some more ,14 tabs 2mgif it wasn't for one half I would have been a complete nervous wreck,my nerves are so taut at present ,having to resist taken too much what a nuisance.....
I'm really sorry about your cat and I understand you must be in a state, if I find that article again I will copy it and paste it to you in a message X

thanks that would help;its something I thought could happen to me and strangely enough I thought of the pair of us me and/or the cat and checked myself for it ,im quite perceptive as in a cat has sixth sense ;earlier today id been thinking like that --funny feelings here and there ,jumpy with sounds as was the cat,hope you have resolved your problems with the mhteam
Awww poor cat, it is weird how you sense something. Me and my friend were talking about it the other day x
Oh Iโm so sorry ๐. Iโve got two cats, but Iโve been through losing dearly loved cats in the past. I truly understand how hopeless and miserable you feel. It does just take some time to get over - and thereโs no rush. Everyone grieves differently. Iโm sending you such a big hug โค๏ธ
Thanyou for your kindness,when you lose an animal its horrible and you begin to feel that no one cares ,hoping your well.
Yes, I know what you mean. Our pets are so loving and loyal - they donโt let us down like people do.
I care about you...youโre not alone xxx