coming on here to offload I now have the main theme where it feels really real that I’m going to die and I feel really weak alone and afraid and I’m so scared that I’m going to get worse, I’m so tired of it, I was doing really quite well fighting my existential dread and that was hard enough and it just changes once I seem to get over one and then it freaks me out that I’m going to be stuck forever with ocd, I can’t even eat properly it’s so tiring and im constantly anxious and having panic attacks
death anxiety : coming on here to... - Anxiety and Depre...
death anxiety

First I want to say welcome to the group. I don't know that I can offer much in the way of comfort, but I will share something that seems to help me. Very often when I am dozing off, I feel as though I almost died. I wake up startled and have this really dreadful fear that I almost died in my sleep. It scares the heck out of me. I told the minister of my church about it and she recommended a book. It is "The Fun of Dying," by Roberta Grimes. It sounds like a crazy title, but it describes many people's near death experiences, and the spirituality of death. It does not teach religion. It is sort of like a field guide to near death experiences. It opened my mind in a lot of ways, but most importantly, it helped me to come to terms with my mortality. Nowadays, I am still afraid of dying, but I am not at all afraid of death or being dead. I also have OCD but what I have learned has put my obsessive thoughts somewhat at ease, at least as far as thinking about death. Again, I don't know that this is helpful, but I hope it is. Sending prayers for your peace of mind. I am holding you in healing light. 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you, I’ll give the book a look, it’s horrible isn’t it it’s like we are screaming inside and have to accept something that we don’t really want to accept we just want to forget about it and hope for the best, it’s nice to share experiences so you have helped thank you. Yeh since realising I have ocd I am also having a fear of ocd it’s actually horrific, I just want to get the panic and anxiety under control and then I’ll be okay, but right now I just feel so weak and tired because I’ve been through it so many times this year it’s awful, I have a fear of aging, I have a fear of existence and the death one it seems like they all tie in together tbh but thank you for your kind recommendations I really appreciate it. Hopefully we all get some peace and relief we need!
That is cool. I had my own NDE in 2005. It was very enlightening - after I had a few months/years to think about it. Where I went there was so much love - like I have never experienced here on Earth. I wanted to go back, but at the same time I realized I have to stay the course here. All things in good time.