So I’m looking down my timeline and I noticed yesterday and today I see that ppl are afraid of dying. First my heart goes out to anyone who is dealing with something that gives them fear, when I read the posts I just wish I could say something to them to make it better.....I’m curious, so is it a constant thought? Are you are afraid to go to sleep?
Death Anxiety? Tell me more please - Anxiety and Depre...
Death Anxiety? Tell me more please

I do and I don’t.
Over the past 5 years I’ve had 3 different surgeries and a colonoscopy. Each time they had to put me under. Of course I had the pre-op anxiety, “What if this is it and I don’t wake up?” Well if I didn’t wake up from those I wouldn’t be here typing this response right now.
I also have anxiety when I’m driving... I fear a major accident can happen out of the blue. So when I drive I remain vigilant (while listening to soothing music). I also have the same anxiety when taking a plane trip.
As for when I go to sleep, more than anything I hope for no nightmares.
I do think when it’s my time, how will I go. All I can say about that is I hope it’s painless and peaceful.
Interesting!!! Thanks so much for sharing with me. I didn’t realize how many people are affected by this. I’m just so happy you responded and explained how it feels for you!
Yes my dear, you are certainly not alone ❤️
Thanks again, so can I ask another question? How does your family help you?
Well as for family all that’s left is my brother and me. We live 80 miles apart yet we are very close and a supportive shoulder to each other.
I have my Hubby and my mother-in-law is a sweetheart.
And then I have my other family... which is my circle of friends. I have very few friends.... but for those I have, we are quite close and supportive of each other.
And then there’s my other support system... my meds and my therapist.
Is life perfect? Nope. Besides (in my opinion) there’s no such thing as ‘perfect.’ But when I’m having a good day, life is good.
And as for going to sleep, if I never wake up then I will have died happy. ❤️
I hope with the pain and depression that many of us deal with each and every day, the fear of death will keep us here long enough to realize that we are special and should continue to fight to make a difference. I found my son hanging, took care of my mom and watched her pain as she died. The only fear I have of death is leaving others with the pain that is left behind. Through this pain I call life, the only thing I hope for is the pain I have lived will help others. My son was such a beautiful soul, but his mental illness was to much for him. My mother was wonderful and suffered so much with her cancer. I know that pain I had breast cancer, chemo, radiation, seven surgeries. I lived my son and mother didn't. Am I afraid of death.. no.. I wish it was me instead of them. Sorry very hard subject for me. I don't know your experience, I hope and pray it was nothing like mine. I cut my son down and tried to save him but he was already gone. I took care if my mother she couldn't even get out of the bed. I watched her suffer for two months as I watched her die. I think the thought of death is painful for everyone. It's part of life we live and die. I guess fear would be how painful the death would be. Honestly I'm not afraid of death, I hope for it. I'm sorry this probably wasn't what you were saying. Thanks for letting me vent.
Sorry for for your loss. You are a very brave person. I will pray 🙏 for you

Completely agree!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I am sixty nine and I reached this point in life and was surprised how I seemed to move on to this late stage in life. My family members all lived to well into there 80/90s I have been disabled for over thirty years although now they have started new treatments and they have settled me down
We all reach a point in life where looking forward gives out bad vibes, there is nothing we can do, Life is Part of Death. All we can do is live our time out to the best of our ability. That is what live is, hopefully we have our faith to believe in and look on our lives as a position in a Life University, When we die we are given an examination on how we lived, then after an extended rest we may be reborn to learn more lessons and take future examinations once more.
Nothing we can do, we do as well as possible when alive, then move onto a different life

How do you know this?
We all have our own beliefs.
There are plenty people on the web, or You Tube that have returned back after death and some even remember their past lives.
I seem to have memories, although it may be caused by my surrogate Father who fought in the WW1

Yes, an interesting subject!

Your so right! Life University!!! A great analogy.
hi I would like to live past my kids teenage years and beyond seing them grown up hopefully married with kid keeps me going.but on the other hand if that was to be taken away through illness say then I would be ok with that as well maybe not the illness but right at the end.i nearly took my life before and was virtually on the other side and was slipping away and was brought back to life but I never felt a thing and wasn't frightened in that moment so it doesn't scare me now.
Hello, unfortunately I can relate to this. I am not sure if I am afraid of death, the unknown or the thought of leaving my family, especially my kids. Although they are adults, I have an amazing bond with them & the thought of not having them worries me. I am 54 years old & having a hard time accepting that because life will never be the same. Some days I welcome death to escape the torment but majority of the time I run from it. I just can't explain it, but its not a pleasant feeling. 😔😔
Interesting! Thank you for sharing. I know I never thought of death until I had children. I believe I thought about it once or twice due to me watching something on tv. I want to live a good life and teach my children as much as I can on this earth . I want to see them grow old and have a family of their own. I’m not scared of death or have multiple thoughts about it, but I do notice as I grow older (I’m 38 now) and as I try to experience life and understand myself more, I don’t want to live the earth without having my children cared for. I hope that makes sense ❤️
No, but anxiety will keep awake , then I'm sleepy mid afternoon.
No,anxiety keeps me awake for hours,